Why?? Long story. Short version. Left my bridesmaid dress (maternity fitted to boot) on back of bedroom door. Added 4 extra hours of driving to a 5 hour drive with hubby, toddler, grandmother and pregnant me. EVERYTHING goes on list ... obvious or not. Lesson learned the hard way but never forgotten. Probably saved me many times over the last 20+ years.
Boy do I dislike packing (even with a list). Just a chore to end all chores. I don't mind unpacking. Not the norm, I know.
I kind of go to a different beat with a number of things.
I like carpet. Hardwoods are pretty, but carpet is comfortable. I compromise on this everywhere but the bedrooms and basement.
I like lower ceilings. At least not double story ceilings. I like to feel cosy. I compromise with the entrance way.
I like regular bathtubs. We have a large garden tub with jets - never used. Waste of time and water.
I like rainy days. Unless it's rained for 2 weeks, only then I miss the sun.
I like most foods better as cold leftovers.
I like tons of ice in my drinks.
I like nice hotel accommodations - even if I'm "just" sleeping there. Sleep matters people!!
I like the old style washer and dryers - kind you get in from the top. Third set of expensive front loaders and they don't do it for me at all. (I can live with the dryer, but washer doesn't get clothes clean.)
I like old regular-water-use toilets. You end up flushing water efficient ones twice as much among other problems which shall remain nameless!
I like the short days of winter. Dark is cosy. "Fall-back" is my favorite weekend of the year!
I like to be cold - or at least cool. Summer on the beach - yuck. Summer in the south - yuck. Summer period - yuck.
I like (must) have a drink with me. I carry one everywhere. Dump drink before airport security, buy drink immediately on arrival to gate. I always leave extra time so I'm never too late to get a water bottle.
The list goes on and on. I'm a very particular traveler (and particular person), but I hide my crazy. More important to "be good" than "be right." Most people are shocked when they get a peek at the crazy. Never knew you were so quirky ... yep, that's the goal!!
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