Thursday, June 30, 2016

I AM happy energy!

This is my new incantation.

(It morphed from "I am an energetic and happy person" ... too long and the first part blurred together as one big mumble.)

I say it when I warm-up for a workout and when I run.  2 days so far.  I forgot how much a like incantations.  This was a good reminder from the seminar.  I realized I'd started a very bad habit of complaining in my head as a distraction for my run.  No wonder I was grumpy.  Duh!

I'm feeling rough around the edges today.  I have a cold - nothing major, but I'm no longer fighting something.  Something arrived.

Canceled my tabata class today.  Needed some more sleep before I workout.  Keeping it all about the arms today.

I'm struggling with my new "happy energy" ... but looking to change my STATE and have a good day.

On the agenda ...

Shop for hubby's b-day gift
Pay the bills
Cook for the house of boys
Workout and Starbuck - of course!!

I need to settle on an eating plan now that I'm home.  Whole30.  Jenny Craig.  It's a toss up.  I want to drop 10 lbs.  In so many ways I prefer Whole30, but it's work.  Decisions, decisions.  Not today.  House full of boys -  it's enough to survive lol.

Off to find some zen (by getting the bills paid!).  Later gators.

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