Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Only Two Legs in Triad Today (Again!)

Today's non-scale is brought to you by "husband home."  Oh the suspense is awful!!  Actually, I'm okay with not knowing for a few days.  Might just wait until Friday to take the plunge.  I'm feeling better. Clothes are less tight. Don't want to ruin a good feeling with a scale number. (Now, if the number is good ... dare to dream.)  P.S. He'll be home tomorrow morning too (maybe all week) - jury duty.

Really excited about my no-sofa eating revelation.  Working so far.

I Don't Eat On The Sofa.  Yep - my new identity.

Now don't get me wrong.  I still need to be diligent with doing-the-right-thing.  I'm sure I could pretty easily adapt to eating hordes of cake at the table (I'm an overachiever that way).  That's actually a key part of the process.  Don't replace bad habit with another bad habit.

This is something I can do forever.  It's simple and packs a huge punch.  I'd be stupid not to implement it for life.

It seems really obvious now, but so much "work" went into realizing how to REALLY break the pattern.  I was focused on the wrong things (i.e. what I ate; how I ate).

And this frees me up to RELAX.  I can eat however I want to - no right or wrong.  Jenny Craig - sure.  Whole 30 - sure.  Nothing special - sure.  There doesn't need to be a "forever" with food rules.  Just like with running ... sometimes I'm training ... sometimes I'm not ... sometimes it's fun to try something different ... sometimes the same old routine works perfectly.

To be clear ... I'm not talking throwing caution to the wind.  I'm talking about continue to make healthy choices, eating healthy foods.  Most of the time that's my default - easily, without much effort.  I off-road ON THE SOFA (and boy can I off-road).

I have said it before.  I actually like to diet sometimes.  Play around with new ways to eat.  See what feels good.  Break up the monotony.

My latest "research" ... intermittent fasting.  I've read, tried and enjoyed before.  It's making a come back in the circle of "how to eat" recommendations.  I'll write on this another time.

Hope today is a regular day ... not the day I find out I could have breast cancer. (Yep - didn't forget - trying not to expend too much "worry" energy.)  I'll know by tonight.  ( . ) ( . )  Come on girls - be healthy.

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