Friday, June 10, 2016


Woke up today in a grumpy mood.

It's not even 7 am and I have a list of crap that's on my nerves.  What you ask???  Well ...

Hubby slept in an hour late so my wake-up/bathroom time was delayed (he stayed up to watch hockey game - how about a heads-up).
Cleaning ladies asked to come early today (tons of prep work because my kids are slobs - by my standards at least - now I'm "rushed" this morning).
My dog barking outside (love people who walk by the house early in the morning).
Last scoop of dog food (I forgot to buy it yesterday on my 8 store voyage).
My "last" day of vacation sick-leave (still have weekend - but everyone is home - hardly time off).
I have no idea what to make for dinner (and I don't want to make dinner!).

Ahhhh ... feels better to get that off my chest.  I'm still grumpy.

And no more time to write anything more this morning.  Rushed morning sponsored by everyone on my last nerve.

So far a zen-free day.   UGH.

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