The gift that keeps on giving ... 2 days later.
Wow am I sore! In a good way sore. My regular tabata instructor is amazing. She just knows how to work the old muscles (and find all the hidden ones). It took me about 4 weeks to stop being all over sore after each class. The break brought me back to sore-land again.
This time (knock wood) I'm excited to see where continued practice can get me. Show. Me. The. Guns. Probably not. I don't build muscle easily but I should get me some good old arm tone on!
I thought I could do non-girly push-ups until she showed me the "real" way. Now I can barely do a proper girly one. Joys of defeat. But I'm determined to build up to a real one. Or at least multiple girly style.
The caveat is my stupid knee pain. Started this with hopes of healing my knee. Not sure. It might be beyond self-healing. I'll see. If it never gets worse, I can live with it. I just am scared I'm one twist or lunge away from an I-can't-walk kind of injury. I could go to a doctor ... but I hate doctors so I'll plug along until it's either better or I can't walk. Good plan if I do say so myself - lol!
As I type, I'm looking at my manicure with a happy face. I skipped my usual gal (and my usual "american" manicure) last time because I was too embarrassed. I had a bad night and a bit of chipped polish lead to picking my nails too short. I don't do it often (anymore) ... a throwback old habit. But I felt bad revealing this to my regular lady. So in the name of trying a new place (cough, cough) I did the incognito move. It fixed my situation but didn't look as good. Glad to have my usual look back!
Still plugging along on JC. Took a break Friday evening to enjoy (overeat) cookies and wine. Grumpy me took over logical me. "Last hurrah before work starts ... I could use the energy ... etc, etc, etc."
Surprisingly, I don't regret it. Who knows why. Hope it doesn't do too much to my scale numbers this week. It seems like I got the urge out of my system.
Tomorrow it will be hard to stay on plan. I get up at 3:25am, workout, eat by 5:30 and off to work. It's a long day - starts really early. I just run out of food. Sometimes I eat an extra meal. Might have to do that tomorrow. Maybe add eggs.
Grocery store on agenda and trying a new spaghetti dish for the family for dinner. First a workout and a Starbucks run - good way to start the day.
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