Well, home inspection issues seem to be okay. Not nearly as much concern once we got more information and talked it through. Not perfect, but probably manageable.
We sort of went on the NYE hike we planned with friends. First problem -- hike we originally chose was in middle of a seasonal hunting path (changed hike). Next problem -- new hike plan, but rain in morning and granite would be too slick (changed hike again). Next problem -- local hike, but I'm sick (hike on, lunch canceled). Next problem -- our friend sliced his finger minutes before leaving to hike and needed stitches (hike delayed). Hubby and I hiked a bit while we waited for them since we were already on our way. They joined in, but we were up against a time constraint so we had to sag out. It was an ill-fated plan for some reason. Still nice to get out -- only about 5 miles.
Still sick this morning. I sound perfectly awful with a very goopy cough and now head congestion. That said, I don't feel that bad. Maybe today will be the worst of it.
There are several good hikes over this next week because a number of hike leaders have a vacation week. Looks like rain might be taking out the one I'm registered for. I'm trying to finagle another option. Really good hike tomorrow afternoon and it fits my schedule BUT I'm still sick. I'll see how I feel tonight. I'd like to hike it -- fast and short with low elevation. This is sometimes the pattern. Lots of hikes I like, but I can't fit any into my schedule. Other weeks when I have more flexibility -- not a hike in sight that interests me. It's awesome when I get a week that matches both. Not the case this week.
My New Year's Day plan this year is a garden clean up and a little staging for the realtors to come tomorrow. I won't do the final staging until the house goes on the market though. One step at a time. When I think too far in advance, I panic.
Next week is a big week. Full steam on more wedding things. Trip to Asheville to clean the house. Lots more house sale, house purchase things too. I'd like to do some this week but it's basically a dead week. Can't get ahold of the venders so I wait. I'll feel better in a couple of weeks once some of the bigger things are settled.
I feel like I keep saying this. And I keep saying I need to stop saying this.
Anyway, I did a January 1st quick review this morning in the One Sentence Journal. Skimmed 2024 and wrote down accomplishments, adventures, etc. It's inspiring to see what an intentional year can produce and how much I continue to make the changes that I feel deeply are meant for me.
I read this quote I wrote down in April last year and it really fits what I'm feeling now and gives me a little boost to keep walking forward. P.S. Can't recommend a one sentence journal enough.
"Most people will never realize how deeply the compulsion to repeat can run, how entrenched we can become in the paths we're walked over and over again, until we cannot see anything beyond them. It takes strength to choose differently, to believe in what you sense but not yet see ..." -- Brianna West, The Pivot Year.
Yes, please.
Let's hope and move toward an inspired year for us all. Later gators.
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