Friday, January 10, 2025

"Snow Day" ... ??

The snow hasn't started yet and might be all freezing rain and might be hardly anything. Typical south. Either way it's a "snow day." Everything is closed and postponed -- no trash, mail, etc. What is typical of the south is if this is anything at all, it can be dangerous because roads aren't treated. Smart to pause today.

While I was excited to see some snow, I'll be happy if it's all cleared by Sunday so I can still meet the bookclub ladies and hike Monday and Tuesday. 

I got my hormone level results back and it's exactly where she wants it -- and I feel good. Who knew? I sure didn't (embarrassing since I'm a woman and a nurse). Once I'm in menopause, I can go on the full replacement which is protective through aging. 

I made appointments for my hair and make up trial for the wedding. I won't be using this make up artist for the actual wedding, but I wanted a trial to learn what works and take pictures to show the person at the wedding. I'm excited. This is fun.

We worked out the decor (almost) for the rehearsal dinner and I can get a move on that this week. Sign, pictures for the table and cookies -- this feels manageable. 

Slowly the list is shifting to the "finished" side. 

A friend texted me about a book yesterday while the dogs were sunning on the floor since the shutters were off for window replacement and I was drinking coffee -- this poem I saved from IG perfectly captures that moment. 

Off to flit around waiting for the weather. Later gators.

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