Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Very Short, Somewhat Sweet

Atlanta was jacked up with traffic yesterday. A 45 minute drive to the hike took 95 minutes -- fortunately, I was still early enough to get an extra 3 miles hiked (as fast as my little legs could go). Made for a 9 mile hike and my legs feel it today which is the point -- I need to build up muscle endurance. Lunch was really good. Excellent conversation. It was just 3 of us and I like the smaller group size. 

BTW, I handled the traffic situation as expected. Threw a massive mind temper tantrum (the hiking gods are against me) and then put on a podcast and chilled out. I give myself a C+ on accepting what it -- room to improve, but not my worst either lol.

As far as solo hiking -- it was fine. I made one wrong turn, but figured it out quickly. I have another planned solo hike on Thursday and I'm considering safety options. The other possibility is to just go to the park and run Duke. I'll see how I feel tomorrow. Looks like a real possibility the hike Saturday is getting rained out (those damn hiking gods again). I don't expect to be able to hike at all the following week. It's a real effort to make space to build up hiking endurance.

This is a short post today. Lots to do this morning before I leave for a hair appointment. It's scheduled ahead of usual so it times right for the wedding. Later gators.

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