Sunday, June 30, 2024


Belgium is a beautiful country. We stayed north in Ghent which is the Flemish area. Visited Brussels and Bruges. 

Ginger vegan latte and cheese.
Used books and a cafe.
Visited daily since hubby was sick.

Oldest stores in Ghent

Castle, but it was rebuilt in 1910
ahead of World Fair

BEST French fries in ox fat

Happy Cafe with incredible
cinnamon rolls.

Used books and cafe

Out the door of the hotel

Took a day trip to Brussels for the worst food tour ever. At least the people were fun -- we all had a laugh about it.

Food tour -- absolutely horrible!

Rub for luck -- spoiler alert
didn't work!

Lots of graphic street art

Someone knows dogs

Hubby standing away
because he thinks he's getting

Foot race through old buildings

Pretty area in Brussels

Left a rock -- it was taken by the time
we circled back -- yea!!

Pride area -- perfect for the pride
heart rock

Bruges is also beautiful but overrun with cruise tourists. 

Flowers growing in roof gutters

Hospital until 1970's

Weeds in the grass

Left another rock

Took a tour of the famous alter painting in Ghent. Another solo activity because hubby was sick.

Virtual tour to start -- fun to
use the glasses.

Hubby got me my own room after he realized he was sick. He really thought it was a cold. The day before my birthday, I started with a high temperature and went downhill from there. We tested when we got home and both have COVID.

Everyday is a new set of symptoms for me. Hubby feels fine now. Canceled everything and maybe canceling more. Bummer.

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