Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Asheville Bound

I'm giving the drive to Asheville a go today. My back isn't fully recovered, but it's hopefully okay to drive this morning.

Deep cleaning is probably off the table, but I can still go and organize a bit, take a couple of mountain walks, teahouse reading and relax. My sister is in Asheville for the week so I'll see family and their new houses. I have lunch plans with my neighbor for a vegan lunch tomorrow.

I'm really, really trying to get back to my Future Me self. It's coming along, but I have to continue to remind myself to do things.

Future Self stuff today ...

** Taking time to pick some veggies for the trip. Lots of cucumbers (sadly beetles arrived in force yesterday), basil and mint. 

** I prepped and packed food so the focus is less on eating out and more on eating well.

** Stopping at the library to grab another book because I'll finish the one I'm taking today. It's out of my way, but I'm in no rush.

**  I'll stop in historic Franklin to take a break and visit the cute town. A decaf cortado for the rest of the drive and a visit to the Indie bookstore. I've talked myself out of this 20 times, but FS would make this effort because I love this little town and it's only 10 minutes out of the way.

**  I signed up for 3 hikes next week. Nothing hard, but I want to get back on the wagon and my back should be good to go by Monday.

**  Join a live group coaching call this evening and raise my hand to be coached if I think of something I want to talk about.

**  I'm taking the flowers along for the ride. They only have a couple of days left, but I decided it's worth the effort to have them in Asheville.

I could muster the bare minimum and get to Asheville today, but FS is a lot about making an effort to have a "full life" day -- add in the little things that make a day especially good. 

On the downside, I woke up feeling a little like I'm getting a cold. Fingers crossed it's nothing or my Asheville plans go out the window. 

Have a good one. Later gators.

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