Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Rock Painting Again

Bringing the hearts on our trip -- part of FS me showing up. I like how they turned out. The new paint pens are so much better with color saturation. I have the painting bug again. 

Garden is set -- temps are so high this week so I have no idea how to water while we're gone to keep plants hydrated without inviting mold, fungus and mildew. Fingers crossed. The garden is so healthy right now and I hate to mess it up, but I have a bit of a feeling this isn't going to go well. Trying to think of it as a learning exercise. There's always a late summer and fall planting if this turns sideways. My neighbors are on daily watch.

As if I don't have enough to do this morning, I'm pickling jalapeƱos because my neighbor doesn't want them. Living a FS day today.

Anyway, packed and ready to go. Nerves in high gear. What else is new. 

I'm set for a good trip though. Reminding myself what matters and what makes a successful trip. 

I'll be back soon. Later gators.

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