Tuesday, April 30, 2024

T Minus One

Today is THE DAY BEFORE and it's my worst anxiety day of any trip. Let me fill you in on a couple of things.

I shut my left had in a door heading out for a run with Duke on Sunday. I ran with an icepack wrapped around my three middle fingers. Not the best idea, I know, but Duke was already in the car and I didn't want to cancel. It's pretty hurt and blood filled under my nail -- worried about having to drain it but I expect I'm out of the woods now. I couldn't use my left hand at all yesterday -- so no typing. It's improving though and now it's just my fingers.

What does this mean? No preview packing. I took an 8 mile hike yesterday and bumped my hand (*stars*) so I needed to elevate and ice yesterday. I chose the hike over packing because that's the kind of person I want to be lol.

Today is all day packing ... slowly and carefully. So much to do so I'm in full blown DAY BEFORE feelings. It's my MO lately -- something to prevent me feeling my best before a big trip. I'm certain my monthly will join the fun before the trip is over too. At this point, I give up ... whatever, fine, bring it.

My garden is doing so well. And now I leave her for almost 2 weeks. I'm not very confident on the watering schedule. Fingers crossed I come back to something still flourishing living. This year has 2 big trips during the height of growing season. I don't plan to do that next year -- of course, I'll know more next year so maybe it won't matter if I'm away.

I've had a lot of greens this spring.
I'll plant a ton more next year.

Make-shift climbing wall.
Grow little peas

And good luck to my indoor gals too. I'll probably lose a couple to the long drought of no watering. I did last big trip.

I'm excited for the trip though. I need to remember to bring FS attitude and curiosity along and it'll be a success. Maybe I'll take a step toward not getting anxious before travel?!?

I'll stop here -- I'm 7 finger typing and that's getting old. Hope you have a good next couple of weeks. Later gators.

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