Thursday, April 18, 2024


Here's what's up with current reads. 

I finished this short fantasy/mystery read. It was a good story with the mystery of "what's happening" as the through line. It was different and smartly kept short otherwise it would have become boring. It had some interesting messaging too -- would be interesting for a bookclub read. I liked it a lot.

I started this last night. VERY cool premise and has me hooked immediately. My only complaint as of now is there aren't really chapter breaks (that I noticed). I don't like stopping a reading session mid-page. It's a translated Japanese crime novel.

Next up from the library is another Japanese crime novel. Both of these were recommended by Currently Reading Podcast as 5 star reads. She said no one does a crime novel as well as a Japanese author.

I have a boatload of non-fiction coming. This one and 4 more on hold. These will all probably be a couple hours of skim reading unless they are super captivating -- especially the ones coming up. More on those later.

The hike last night was really, really good -- always glad I say yes to hiking. Very fast, in the rain and good conversations. I skipped the dinner after, but the hike was worth the trouble. Sadly for me, the hike leader is moving and this was her last Wednesday evening hike. Maybe someone else will pick it up again.

There are so many fun hikes on the calendar for this weekend and next week, but I can't hike because of my schedule. Then we leave shortly after for our big trip. I'm going to try and squeeze a couple in before we leave - fingers crossed.

Today is cake baking day and prep for Happy Hour tomorrow. Lots to do. Trying to remember to enjoy the process, not just cross off a to-do list. 

Hope you're having a good week. Later gators.

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