Thursday, March 2, 2023

The No-Walk Walk

Well, we "walked" yesterday to the tune of 1.2 miles -- because it got "muggy."  Not unexpected!!  Any and every excuse to NOT walk, but I know this and I was there for the catch up, not the walk.  Took lots of time for me to learn that lesson, but knowing her and accepting those types of things keeps me happy in the friendship.  And probably her too.  This is why I almost always suggest coffee date instead of a walk -- yesterday was her idea.  We ended up sitting on a bench and talking -- not great for my back though, but I stood up for part of our chat (walking would've felt better).

On the way home, I stopped and got indoor potting soil.  Some indoor plant fun on the agenda today.

I'm also going to paint a bit of the LFL.  Now that I have a person who can put it in, I'm excited to get it ready.

Sign up for the fitness hike next Thursday is this evening.  I'm on the fence -- can my back be ready?  Should I push it?  I have until this evening to decide.  It'll fill immediately so there's no option to wait and see.

I'm feeling a little more myself today.  Eating better, hormones are mellowing out and my back is slowly mending.  My sleep wasn't good last night, but I'm hopeful for tonight.

It's a free and clear and RAINY day.  This can be good or bad for me (and the kitchen and my mood).  Library book pick up today.  Perfect timing because I read this one yesterday.  It was GOOD -- the ending, WOW!  This book kept you in the dark every step in the best way.  All the twists worked well.  I can't remember where I got the recommendation.  It's been in my pile for awhile.

Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

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