Saturday, March 11, 2023

Spring Things

I painted another in the series of "more realistic" rocks -- aka, less cartoon like.

Bunny and my new glass
with holder I bought shopping 
with my aunt.

3 of the "Real" series
Fox, Owl, Rabbit

I ordered a fabric doorstop from Etsy.  It was sewn overseas from a small vender and then I filled it with some tissue paper and a couple of bags of lima beans.  Funny story -- got a slip in my mail "locker" saying signature required package (over 18) and unable to deliver because no response at house.  Total lie because we were home all day and have a ring doorbell.  Anyway, had to go to the postoffice to pick up and, of course, they couldn't find it.  The mail carrier didn't drop it off at the end of his shift (seriously, dude).  So I signed and had to hope something was getting delivered.  Turns out it was just this -- all that trouble.  Anyway ... I'm using it in Asheville for our bedroom door.  The 100 year old door and handle is so finicky depending on the temp in the room.  I wanted something that wouldn't scratch the floor.  

Picked up next batch of veggies from the farm.  I need to get planting, but we're having a cold blast this week with temps below freezing 3 days.  Guess I should wait.  The farm says to plant -- maybe half and half just in case.

All greens and some
big onions too.

I went on FB to respond to bookclub and a plant stand on a local garage sale group I belong to popped up. She was close to me so I made a very rash decision to buy it and paint it.  It was only $18 -- bargain and I always need more stands.  I have primer leftover from the LFL so why not.  I'll spray paint a top coat or two -- have to think about the color.

Nice for $18

Walk in the woods today with the dogs.  We probably won't go very far because of Monti, but it's something to do with them before the rain comes back.

Book update tomorrow.  Have a good Saturday.  Later gators.

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