Friday, March 17, 2023

Happy St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day.  I'm not sure why I remembered this -- I rarely do since my kids are finished with school.  I bet lots of crowded bars and restaurants today.

I may not have the luck of the Irish, but look what I found -- ladybug is my nod from the universe.

Hubby got home early this morning on the red-eye -- he'll sleep most of the morning.  Rain is back all day.  This is very unusual to have this many FULL rain days in GA.

My orchid (gifted from my cousin) is blooming.  It's amazing to watch.  The flowers are incredibly intricate.

I painted some rocks.  I have a stack of rocks I found on a hike that I'm painting to return to a hike at some point.  Starting a few Sesame Street rocks.  I did a Big Bird (I'll do another one since I already gave it away), planning an Oscar and yesterday I tried a simple Grover.

I finished this library book.  I didn't like the writing style at all.  Made for a boring story.  Glad it was short.  Maybe the show is better?!?!  

Big old nothing on the calendar today.  Rock painting, reading, Spanish ... the usual suspects to keep me occupied.  Tomorrow begins a busy stretch so I'm happy for a home day today.  Later gators.

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