Saturday, March 18, 2023

Less Busy Stretch

Rock painted a lot yesterday -- Oscar the Grouch, Easter bunny and punch bug car.  I have this stack of rocks that were bugging me just sitting around from a local hike.  I have one more Sesame Street rock to paint -- today if my back cooperates.  I remembered to take a couple of process pictures.

I wrote Hippity Hoppity
on the back

Happy Rock

Here's the batch drying.

My back is a mess.  Lots of pain.  I hope ortho can help.  My busy week got less busy because of it.  Hubby is going to Asheville instead of me -- I can't sit and drive for that long right now.  No family hike today -- maybe a walk when the temps warm up.

Only "thing" this morning is a high school zoom call starting the next round of birthdays.  We haven't caught up in a long time so it should be a chatty call.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  Later gators.

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