Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Gray (or Grey!)

I want to chat a tad about black and white thinking -- my go-to default.  One of the future self changes I'm working on is living more in the gray areas, problem solving into the gray area (i.e. not just this or that ... not just 2 options).

I'm bringing this up because this is EXACTLY yesterday and the garden club.  After that initial meeting, I didn't like the vibe, didn't like the group dynamic and normally I would've done THIS or THAT.  This -- stayed and pretended to be social and such while hating every moment because I want the gardening information from the events.  That -- decided not to join.  

But this time I looked for another option.  Participate in the events that interest me and participate in a way that works for me.  Yesterday's presentation was very good (2 Master Gardeners about wildflowers).  I came, I listened and I left.  I didn't stay for the social after, I did some polite chatting and smiling, but I didn't seek out any engagement.  

And the group still annoyed the shit out of me.  Phones (on LOUDEST RINGER) went off the entire 2 hours.  The leader kept asking people to silence them, but guess no one did lol.  Text beeps.  One lady excused herself for a phone call, but there are no doors -- totally heard her entire conversation.  Side loud whisper conversations, questions that were not really questions.  A 1/3 of a leftover cake from the weekend someone brought to share.  Someone parked shitty next to me -- on an angle so our back bumpers were almost touching.  I had to go around to get in the car and it took FOREVER to back out.  (Lesson learned for next time -- I'm reversing into the space.)

I know these are pet peeves and I'm not knocking them for enjoying themselves or bringing a leftover cake lol.  It's just not for me, but I enjoyed learning about wildflowers.  Had MY cake and ate it too :)

All this to say, I'm happy I chose the gray decision.  

I'll leave with this picture of the orchid.  I'm a happy orchid mama.  I took the picture to send to my cousin who gave me the plant.  And a picture of the Easter Bunny I left in the LFL at the park.  Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

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