Thursday, March 16, 2023

Back in a Business

Almost back in business.  My back is improving, but add a new symptom -- pins and needles on my left foot when I walk (back problem is on the left too).  Probably inflammation pressing a nerve, but my mind immediately goes to something worse.  I have the ortho appointment next week.

I did a bit of a backwards day yesterday because of the temperature.  Out to lunch with a friend and THEN a longer walk with Duke.  It was too cold in the morning and the last thing I wanted was to activate chilblains again.  Today is a little warmer before the temps tank tomorrow.  A trend in our neighborhood is to use a fitted sheet to cover flowers and such.  It's kind of funny seeing them all -- some people have tarps, but someone must have started the sheet trend.  It's a shame because we had an early warm blast and so many things are in bloom.  We've had 4 days of freezing temps and more to come.  I'm glad I didn't plant the seedlings.

Hanging out inside ...

I bought a pair of out-of-the-box earrings to wear to Spain.  I won't bring my real ones and I wanted something that feels a little Spanish and goes with a lot of my dresses.  I wore them yesterday to make sure they don't bother my ears.  A small thing, but I almost chickened out several times.  I don't know why I'm self conscious about it.

New library book so I bumped the other book -- I hadn't even finished the first chapter.   It's short so I guess that's why it moved through the hold list so fast.

I watched Everything Everywhere All at Once.  I didn't like it.  It was too much of the sci-fi parts.  Like the car chase scene that runs too long -- fun for a minute and then it went on and on and on.  The message was interesting, but I was glad when it was over.  It didn't feel like enough of a story line (didn't care enough about the characters) or enough tension about what will happen.  Big miss for me.  I had digital credits that expired after yesterday so I figured it was a good use.  I wanted to see it.  It was original and probably very complicated to pull together so I sort of see why it won so many awards, but from the lens of a "good movie" it missed for me.  Reminded me of when a show does a fantasy episode where the characters are back in time or it becomes a musical -- feels like fun for the actors, but I never really like it. This was that -- lots of different fantasy roles for the actors, but not the best story line to watch.

Errands today and a long walk -- nothing fancy.  Hope you have a good one.  Later gators.

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