Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Success (!!)

Monday turned out to be a pretty dang good day -- not the most fun, but I ended up feeling super successful.  

Mammogram = check.

Spanish Level 4 = check.

Eating well = check.

Here's the skinny.  The mammogram appointment was at 12:50 with 15 minute early arrival.  I was leaving the parking lot at 12:53.  Super efficient.  

That left me time to visit the farm stand -- TOMATOES!!  Yum and more yum.  I made vegan "tuna" to go with them.  (Northern white beans, avocado, celery and spices -- mash up).  Had it for lunch and dinner.

Spanish was a challenging class.  It was a quiz hour and I did well.  Phew.  I was nervous again (dang), but I showed up and did it.  It was hard settling my head for sleep ...

... but I slept okay.  I think the biggest problem is my right side of my back is in bad shape and there isn't any comfortable position to sleep.  

I need to say 'no' to the bike until I can get into a sports medicine orthopedic.  This pains me to say, but 10 minutes of light biking and I'm down and out for physical activity again.  That's not going to work for me.

I need to do a chat on one of the Oura ring indicators -- Heart Rate Variability.  Mine is low (high is best). It's an indicator of fitness and stress management.  After last night's sleep, mine jumped from 34 to 48 -- YES!  (50 is the base of "normal" range). I need to understand it a little more before I write about it, but this is another fun thing to monitor.  When I'm doing the things I know make me feel best, the indicators improve -- proof of what my body is telling me.

Two new rocks yesterday ...

That was my Monday that was actually a good Monday --- because I made it one.  Hmmmm ... when will I learn?!?

Today is more rest that I expected because of my back.  I have the FINAL coaching call with my private coach today.  Stay tuned ...  

Have a good Tuesday -- later gators.

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