Saturday, July 16, 2022

Expect to Be Delighted

Jen Hatmaker does this thing in the summer she calls Me Camp.  Goes away somewhere -- mostly by herself (friends come to visit -- she camps all summer) and does all the things she wants to do.  So I'm titling this long weekend Future-Me Camp because I'm heading out alone, doing what FUTURE ME would do, be, want.

The Denver trip for the wedding is going to be another Future-Me Camp.  That one's more on the challenging side -- being brave to do what's uncomfortable, but what I want to do, be, etc.  Asheville trip is all easy peasy and fun.

As Jen Hatmaker says during Me Camp -- "expect to be delighted."  That's the intention for this little break. Often my little break is to get some alone time and hibernate a bit.  This time I need to get out and about and DO THINGS.  2 weeks of limited activity (COVID isolation with hubby sick and baby-sitting dogs) has left me feeling housebound and ready to get out in the world.

Today is my only loosely planned day since I don't know how my back will feel after the drive.  It'll look something like unpack, start some simple cleaning (because I have a full, fun day tomorrow) and some sort of vegan dinner. 

Did I mention, Future-Me is doing a vegan thing this trip?  I'm shooting for 95% or higher -- just for fun.

What else is on the agenda?  Movie, thrift and antique shopping, reading at my favorite local tea house, walks, vegan dinners OUT and ABOUT (ie, no takeout unless it's leftovers).  Maybe even a super duper brave dinner tonight -- have to see what's what.  More on that tomorrow.  Of course, cleaning and Spanish class too.

Less TV, more books.  I'm reading The Guest Book for bookclub and it's really good so far (not to be mistaken for The Guest List which I already read).  I also have some non-fiction if the mood strikes.

No one to take care of except myself.  I'm really, really, really excited for that right now.

I'll end with a picture of the little seedlings my neighbor gave me -- all grown up and pretty for the summer.  I think next summer's garden will incorporate more flowers -- for the bees and for picking. 

Off to camp and ready to be delighted.  Later gators.

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