Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Day 3 Recap and Homebound

This was a fantastic little getaway weekend.  

Day 3 was a little stickier than the previous, but I still had a good day.  Here's a ramble all about the day.

Started with a 7 mile walk with an herbal iced tea stop at my usual teahouse.  I was super tired after the walk -- guess the hills caught up with me.

I drove into downtown for lunch, but I park in a lot just on the edge of the downtown area so that meant a big walk to the restaurant and lots more hills.

I was beat by the time I got there, but got a nice shade seat and two ladies (from Atlanta, now living in Asheville) started up a conversation when they saw me reading.  It was a lot of fun to chat -- got a good restaurant recommendation too.  

Lunch was the vegan platter again and a rice and bean veggie bowl.  It was huge (and I don't say that often).  I ate some for lunch, a big bowl for dinner and still a bowl for leftovers tomorrow.  Not kidding about it being enormous.  

I eavesdropped a conversation about antique shopping and it was about the exact place I was headed.  The local couple recommended a few other places too.

BUT .... there was no air conditioning and it was HOT -- I about melted.  Soaked through all undergarments and dripping everywhere -- could hardly think straight I was so uncomfortable.  I bought a few things -- 2 old bottles for flowers and a wooden box for paint supplies.  It's a great place and I'll go back when it's cooler and I'm not so pooped.  I'll also check out the other places too.

Spent the afternoon with a heating pad, in a/c, staring off into space because I was zapped out.  Spanish class rounded out the day.

BTW, second night taking Benadryl and no good -- crappy numbers.  Oh well.  I think it's hormones since my body temperature is up overnight.  

So much fun practicing this future me stuff.  Loved it all.  AND I'm happy to be going home too.

Oh, our hot water tank broke.  Parts ordered.  And we wait.  Guess cold showers are back on my list (!!)

And just because ... I liked this.  It's a good reminder for me -- I do this a lot.

Future Me Camp in the books.  Next one is in September in Denver.  Until then, I practice (after I rest -- I'm beat in the best way).  

Later gators.

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