Saturday, July 23, 2022

Date Day with Hubby

Changed things up a little yesterday.  Postponed lunch until today after a lake hike.  That took the "rush" off yesterday morning.

And I did a BIG thing -- jogged a bit during my walk.  About 0.8 miles worth.  0.6 on an easy downhill and the 0.2 back up one side of the street.  (There are no flats in our neighborhood.)  My back held.  I wanted to run more, but I was careful.  Muscles are tired this morning, but so far everything else is hunky dory.  

Instant better mood after elevating my heart rate into the usual zone.  It felt like BLISS -- and I'm not exaggerating.  Please, pretty please, with sugar on top -- let this be the start of something good.  At this point, I'll take ANY progress.

BTW, I worried all evening and night that I was going to wake up to severe pain again.  Good lord, I'm traumatized by this injury.  Sleep stats are still in the tanker -- what can I do.

New rock painting idea and it's easily one of my favorites.  I did 2 rocks the same and more to come because they are ADORABLE (if I do say so myself).

I did a few other quickies --  not my favorites, but will be good for leaving on the trail today.  I like the Santa one and I'll redo that at Christmas.  The fish started as birds on a wire -- I can't make a bird that doesn't look like a fish.

Today is an all-day hubby date.  Hike, lunch out and movie night at home.  Looking forward to it.

Hope you have a good Saturday!  Later gators.

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