Wednesday, July 6, 2022


Hubby tested positive yesterday morning.  He wasn't going to test again because he felt a bit better, but I told him his cough was worse and asked him to test.  He's in Asheville riding out the rest of germ days.

So far, I'm not symptomatic with anything COVID.  But, hormones are raging hard, sleep is shitty, energy is TANKED.  Fun times.

Kids are worried about exposure to hubby on Saturday (he wasn't symptomatic until Sunday night) because they have a wedding trip to Italy this Friday.  I feel for them, but it's not like they've been very careful otherwise -- not being reckless, but not being guarded either.  I think it'll be fine since they only saw him on Saturday.

Coaching call was rather blah yesterday.  She asked about continuing and I said no -- cost and lack of big coaching need was my reason.  Of course, I left out the part where I don't think she's a $$$ coach (yet or maybe ever).  I'll miss the chats with her, but that's what it's become -- just a chat.  Nothing feels like coaching -- more like a pep talk and cheerleading.  She sent a coaching completion form for us to discuss to rap things up for our last call.  And, I get so annoyed at her missing so many calls when she INSISTED a weekly call was necessary -- that was just a sales technique (an effective one for her, but still).  

Oura ring thinks my period is coming based on my nightly stats ... hmmmm.  We wait and see.  It's probably less effective at predicting when it's peri and everything is wonky.

We FINALLY got rain last night.  Huge torrential rains while it was sunny (no rainbow though).  I took pictures just because I haven't been taking pictures (and I was looking for a rainbow).  I get a break from watering the plants this morning.

I hate to beat a dead horse (but I will) -- I'm in a shitty hormone low.  When will peri end?!?  It's been 2 years now.  I'm ready.  I'm 52 (average age of menopause).  Let's do this already.  The sludge that I feel when hormones fluctuate is awful.  My energy is so low all I want to do is absolutely NOTHING and that doesn't even sound appealing.  

My gloomy doomy prediction -- hormones this week, COVID to follow.

Big girl panties on and I'll do things anyway (and reluctantly).  Looking for a "perfect" day of all things to see if that helps my sleep tonight or maybe nothing helps when I'm in a hormone fluctuation.  I also need to add a bit of fun to the week -- which is getting harder to do, but I'm trying to find something.

I canceled the cleaning crew today.  Even though hubby is gone, I've had a very direct exposure and am in the prime range for getting sick.  

That's all from gloomy me.  Hope you're having a good week though.  Later gators.

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