Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Weekend Wrap-Up

I had a big old party weekend -- at least it felt that way.  Biggest "party" thing was drinking both days (red wine on Sunday and mojitos on Monday).  Between the alcohol and Kona coffee caffeine, I need to clean it up this week.  My mood is feeling the "off" eating.

Anyway, lots of fun and enjoyed it all.

Some highlights ...

(1)  Great time with friends on Sunday.  Stayed out LATE -- after 11 o'clock but we were having such a nice conversation.  Dear lord.  I paid the price Monday morning.  Got a tour of her garden and some greens for a salad on Monday.  They were delicious.  She's a very good gardener.  BTW, made a homemade ranch with herbs and jalapeño from my garden for the salad -- excellent.

(2)  Hit a goal of SHARING my garden already.  Kids took a zucchini home -- they seemed excited to pick and take it.  No one was up for rock paining though -- oh well, it's a solo mission.  Painted a hydrangea in honor of the bushes looking pretty (for now, but I think summer heat will be too much for them).

(3)  Dinner was good both nights.  I felt like my stuff hit the mark on Monday -- I've been a bit off my game with entertaining, but simple and fresh worked.  Kids brought first watermelon of the season and it was FANTASTIC (!!)  Leftovers today :)  Pickles from the garden cucumbers.  

(4) Weather was perfect.  Sitting under deck while hubby grilled fillets.  

(Japanese beetles have slowed down a bit -- hope it stays that way.  No more swarms, just about 10 or so to pick off each afternoon.  They aren't suppose to arrive until late June so I'm worried I haven't seen the last of them.)

(5)  My back is a whole story.  Better left for another day.  Food choices have left me moody and sad -- like I could burst into tears about it.  It's an overreaction so I know its alcohol, gluten, caffeine and sleep.  No "workout" for me this week.  I feel like it's lots of steps backwards since the injection last week.

I need to organize for the short week ahead.  Calling this a re-entry day even though I didn't leave.  Planning from a mood never yields a good plan so I'll take a transition day.  Some potential fun things and some yucky things (dentist!!) this week.  More tomorrow.

Hope you had a great weekend.  Later gators.

Clothing and Such ...

Oops, forgot to hit post on this. 

Some new things ...

From an Australian company, Play.
The top part and sleeves are blousy.
The fabric is soft and cool to the touch.

Casual denim sundress.
Wore it with white "trainers"
and carried a vintage red clutch.

Pretty for summer.

Moo-moo dress in linen.
comfortable and easy to wear.

Like this the least -- got online.
Color washes me out.
Might be a dress to wear with a jacket
in the early spring and fall.

Vintage bags from 60s.
Little coin purse made with vintage fabric.

Local crafter.  Light blanket.
Really pretty fabrics.

Vintage scarves I'm using
to wrap gifts and tie on
big summer bags.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Lots to Catch Up On

Internet is BACK (!!)  Cut line down the road -- finally repaired last night.  Apparently, they thought it was fixed and it wasn't.  Over now and civilization is restored this morning.

I've been sleeping on my left side a bit and took a faster walk yesterday and my back isn't happy at all.  I don't think a workout is in my future this week.  I'm trying not to be super down about it.

Resting it today because we're going to friends' house for dinner.  I need to be functioning all evening. 

I spend all afternoon killing Japanese beetles -- 50 plus each day.  They're killing the cucumbers.  (I was able to pick a few cucumbers today though.  Making a small jar of pickles.)  No good solution to stop them -- google, texting all my garden friends.  Best way is to hand pick and hope for the best.  They season for about 6 weeks (but they're a full month early this year so who knows).

Here are some pictures.  Too many for one day so clothing stuff tomorrow.

First zucchini

It's what's for dinner ...

Cucumbers -- my favorite
Still waiting on the English variety

Vintage French prints.
Needed something in our bathroom.

Happy rock

New plant holder in the back left.
Propagating from plants in the bedroom.
I decided to have some real plants in the office.

Antique bowl filled with
old glass from my family.

Etsy -- oil painting made to order.
I'd love to learn to paint like
this someday.  I like the texture of oil painting.

Happy Sunday -- hope you're having a fun weekend.  Later gators.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Internet Down

I'll give this a try -- the internet is down since yesterday morning.  Hot spot isn't working well because we don't have a strong signal in the house.

So much for my "plans" yesterday.  Dang and double dang.  Universe always wants me going-with-the-flow and I'm stomping my feet as usual with no success.

I took ALL THE PICTURES yesterday, but nothing will load to the cloud.  

Waving the white flag.  Universe (internet) you win today.  See you when civilization has been restored -- hah.  

Guess I get an extra early walk.  Later gators.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Steroid Flare

My back is (was) significantly sore where I got the steroid injection.  Last time nothing but relief so I was a little concerned.  It's feeling improved this morning -- phew!

Dr. Google let me know something called Steroid Flare can happen after an injection.  Pain (sometimes more than the original pain) for 2 - 5 days.  Ice and rest is the fix, but it's not a concern.  Steroid crystalizes and causes pressure in the area -- a few days and the crystals break up.

That gives me hope for workouts beginning next week.  Woo hoo!

Hubby left for Asheville.  He helped me set up the last of the raised pots yesterday and I'm set for a minute.  Things are growing, but invasive bugs have arrived.  Man, it's a balancing act.  I'm going to "harvest" the first zucchini today.  3 cucumbers are growing well (so far), got a few jalapeño peppers (not hot at all, but tasty) and another single strawberry (hah).  

Pictures are coming -- garden, shopping goodies, etc.  Not that you're holding your breath, but I like looking at pictures in posts so I assume you do too.  

Got double sad news yesterday.  One of our former foster dogs passed -- sweet old boy Archie and Polly had to have her eyes removed.  She'd gone completely blind and then her eyes developed high pressure with pain.  After she recovers, she should feel a lot better.  I'm grateful for the families who love these little old medical dogs.  I'm looking forward to getting another foster this summer once things settle for us.

Two days at home to myself.  I'm going to use the time wisely for all my solo activities.  Lots and lots of hubby time ahead of his new job starting so I'll need a little balance.

I finished The Last Flight (Julie Clark).  The ending was forced so I don't give it a read recommendation.  Suspense books are all about the ending for me.  It's a bummer because the story was good up until the ending which was just sort of okay.

I read the next Jen Hatmaker selection already (this happens a lot ) so I have time to tackle a big one in my pile.  Small print, careful reading needed.  I was reading a non-fiction book and the author (can't remember) said this was her favorite book of all time.  I can never resist that kind of recommendation.  

That's all from here.  Holiday weekend begins.  We are going to a friend's on Sunday and doing a home grill-out on Monday.  Later gators.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Never mind ...

Okay, plans shifted.  Never mind what I said yesterday.

Miami trip is OFF for me.  Only a couple of spouses are going and since this is hubby's FIRST DAY of work, he needs to be able to get to know the other people.  Me tagging along isn't the best idea.  It was probably a translation issue in the email (French to English) -- there isn't any organized activities over the weekend.  That said, if something changes, I'm back to going so I need to be ready :)

Also, Asheville trip changed up.  Pouring rain and storms today (both here and there) so hubby is going up for a quick overnight tomorrow -- check on the house and do some yard work.  I'm not going for a few reasons.  Too much with dogs, no real reason for me to be there ... 

... AND 

... my back.  I saw ortho and he injected the right side ligament and it HURTS.  No lidocaine this time.  I was swollen yesterday -- hurt to lean back on car seat to drive home.  I'm still sore today to sit in chair, etc.  Take it easy for a couple of days then in 5 days and I can start a little bit of interval jogging.  After that feels okay, Peloton can start up again.  YES (!!)

We'll go to Asheville in 2 weeks for a "fun" visit during the week.

I'm also on the fence about the 2nd booster now.  My plans were to wait until closer to the fall travel to have the strongest immunity for those trips.  I think I'll cancel my appointment next week once I'm sure Miami isn't on the table again.  I'd like to get it in late July or early August.  

I've shopped 'til I've dropped this last week.  Pictures post coming soon.

Here's the latest rock ... I painted 2.  One side is the dandelion and and other is Spread Joy. 

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Rainbow Start

Yesterday afternoon it was full sun and pouring rain which equals a rainbow.  Nothing great unfortunately, but I got a picture of the start of a rainbow on the ground.  Picture isn't as vibrant as the real thing though. Even so, the storm was cool.

Picked these pretties yesterday.  If I let them ripen more, the bugs get them.  They tasted okay -- not very sweet though.

Looks like I'm heading to Miami at the end of June to join hubby for a work event -- spouses are joining for the weekend.  This is a BIG future-me thing (saying yes) so here we go.  I decided to get a second booster before the trip too.  Super happy that I found those cute dresses last week.

Quick hello today.  Cleaning crew, ortho appointment and an attempt to get an outdoor walk before the rain so I need to get moving.  Mid-week already -- this one is cruising.  Later gators.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Microwave Fire

I bought a glass canister with silicone on the outside to microwave popcorn. (We usually use a paper bag, but the bags have had bottom seal issues and keep opening up during microwaving.)

This got good reviews and I wanted glass for the microwave instead of plastic.  First time -- 60 seconds in and a flames inside the bowl.  Turns out others have had the same issue when you go further in the bad reviews.  Returning today and feeling lucky I was watching it.  Back to the bags.

In Spanish news -- I feel like I'm "getting it" more and more.  Had to send an email to mi maestra and I did it completely in Spanish that I knew (didn't want to look up words).  I needed to modify how I said certain things, but all in all A++++ for me going outside my box.  The return email all in Spanish and kudos --- plus some corrections on the things I didn't really know the best way to word.  No class this weekend because of Memorial Day.

Painted a shark from a rock I found -- I planned something else, but it looked just like a shark's mouth so I went with it.  Here's a collection of the next ones to be left on a trail.

We're having trouble with our yard and parties involved say it's issue with the other -- of course.  The fertilizer company is coming "sometime this morning" to look and speak with me.  Totally messing up walking, but I don't care -- doing it anyway and figuring it out.  Life Coaching at 2 o'clock and hubby gets back from golf just at that time.  Today isn't timing out very well given how open the day is -- it's a pet peeve of mine.  All day free yet somehow unable to freely do the little things I need to do.

Spanish instructor recommended Jim Kwik on YouTube for memory and learning advice.  I watched a bit of his talks yesterday and he's interesting.  I like some of his suggestions -- one is listening to Baroque classic music while learning (these sound waves and the music count can help).  I'm going to try it today while I'm studying Spanish.  Also, lots of overlap with what I already believe -- thoughts, beliefs run our lives, be open and curious, etc.

That's what's what today.  Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Whatever will I do today :)

Back to just MY dogs, all day rain (so plants are watered), hubby is upstairs working (and resigning) -- sounds like the easiest day in the world and I'm here for it.  Lots of time for ME things.

A bit of gardening woes though ...

Tomato plant has a growing tomato, but the leaves have wilt and bend.  Maybe a problem, maybe not.  One zucchini plant's leaves are quickly yellowing, but it's growing some small fruit (if pollinated will grow).  I still need to plant the squash plant in a planter that should be coming this week. The cucumbers seem happy, but nothing is getting pollinated yet (starting and stopping fruit).  Come on BEES (!!) The mint and amber basil are also good so far.  I thought I had two jalapeño plants (they like a partner to be planted with) but they are very different looking so I don't know now.

Zucchini on left (probably needs bigger pot)
Cucumbers on right.

2nd zucchini plant.
Little squash that needs a transplant.


Mint, basil and baby cucumbers.

New wildflower -- prettiest one yet.

Tomato plant from my neighbor.
Maybe this will have better luck.

Hubby hung the picture from my aunt.  We both love it.  Two more for Asheville house.

Speaking of Asheville, we're heading there on Thursday.  Cleaning, hanging a few things, checking on the house and that's about all.  Crowded holiday weekend so we'll stick to takeout and the house.  Coming home on Saturday since we have local plans on Sunday.

Off to start the week well.  Later gators.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Happy Saturday

Busy day yesterday.

Here are a few highlights from last two days ...

I rearranged the itty bitty garden.  Planted 2 new pots (still waiting for one more raised garden wagon cart).  We'll see how everything likes their new spots, pots, etc.  Gardening is detective work.  I'm learning the yard and sun patterns over the growing months.  It's complicated (!!)  Although maybe I'm making it more complicated than it needs to be -- hah!

After a super fun afternoon with my aunt on Thursday -- fun conversation, got the artwork and found 3 dresses for summer (pictures later).  We stopped at The Ginger House (tea room) to finish up and I got a ginger juice.  Unsweetened with lemon.  Delicious, spicy -- but EXPENSIVE.  I'm trying to duplicate it at home with the Vitamix.  Got close, but had lime instead of lemon -- not the same.

Hanging these in Asheville.
Got a second blue one for GA.
Waiting for mounting hooks.
My aunt is very talented.

Hubby accepted the job offer.  He'll give his resignation on Monday.  It's exciting and a little bit scary (new big things are).

Finished watching The Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix.  It was a good series.

Esophageal burn is almost completely healed -- a bit of spasm in the morning is all.  

My BFF wants to do a weekend in June for my birthday.  Not sure how I feel about it -- with COVID and my back issue.  BUT, it feels nice that it's back to a bit more balance in our relationship.  I'll chat with her about it this weekend and we'll figure out if it's possible.

Today is nothing special.  Lots of the usual -- gardening, walk, rock painting, Spanish.  Still have all the dogs so that sucks up a tremendous amount of time (way more than you'd expect for 4 little dogs).  We have a needy bunch that are all on different need schedules.  Big dogs are so much more chill lol!

Okay dokey -- that's all for this morning.  Why?  Dogs (!!)  Have to do a let-out again.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Mornings with 4 dogs ...

... are BUSY (!!)  Four little needy dogs!  

A few good news things -- hubby comes home TODAY, not Friday.  He said he the trip was Monday-Friday when he first got word, but the actual itinerary was a day less.  My brain just kept thinking M-F.  

Also, he's getting a job offer tomorrow -- yeah!  Way to go.  He's super excited.  His current job never got off to a good start with the pandemic and logistical dynamics make it tough.  I hope he loves this new position.

In less good news ... ortho canceled my appointment (again) at the last minute yesterday.  That was fun.  Rescheduled for next week.

I air fried some tofu Tuesday night.  I put a piece in my mouth and headed out the door with the dogs.  It didn't feel overly hot in my mouth, but it did going down my esophagus -- I guess the center was super heated.  I didn't get to water quickly enough and now I have sternal pain and spasm.  When I swallow (at night or in the morning), it feels like something is stuck in my chest.  

Dr. Google confirms ALL symptoms are esophageal burn that will heal on it's own in 1-3 weeks.  It gets worse when you're lying down which explains why I felt okay during the day and it's back overnight.

Honestly ... some days it feels like I'm falling apart.

Back to good news -- lunch with my girlfriend at a local restaurant I haven't been to since 2020.  They put in a huge garden patio, fully shaded.  The owner sat me ahead of my gf arriving and turns out it's the garden patio because it's next to the actual garden.  He gave me more tips on veggie growing while I was waiting for her.  Tomorrow is an all-day-garden-things using the advice I've gotten this week.

Lunch with my aunt today -- she's delivering some of the art work I ordered.  Excited for both.

Hubby home today, kids home on Sunday.  I'm ready for both.  So is my grand-dog -- someone is missing her mama ...

Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A Snake, Free Plants and a Vintage Bag

Monday was a good day -- ordinary, but one of those unexpectedly nice days.

It started with my morning "things" that included a bit more of a yoga "workout" and an easy 3 mile walk to rest my back.  On the walk I dropped off a couple of rocks (and borrowed 2 more).  I was down at the creek fire pit scoping a place and I just missed stepping on a big black rat snake (harmless and helpful snake -- but STILL!).  Hightailed it out of there before I got a picture.

Quick shot of the big face rock I left on the stairs -- and my shadow.  No lingering after the snake sighting so no time to get my shadow out of the way!

Afternoon was hanging with hubby on the porch (and the 4 dogs).  It was a breezy afternoon and we chatted before he left for the airport.

When he got on the road, I worked on Spanish, prepped the big rocks I grabbed earlier and happened to check FB (related to something else).  A new neighbor posted free veggie plants because she ran out of room in her garden.  Yes please!  Got a squash and a tomato plant PLUS some great gardening information.  She has a beautiful garden already this year.  All from seeds -- starts in January and has an indoor greenhouse.  Wow.  She's a good resource for my itty bitty garden and the big gardening woes.  

I ordered another raised pot and am heading to Pike's for more supplies.  I need to move some things around after talking with her.  I can't tell what is growing well in my pots and what isn't.  I might be too much of a helicopter mom and killing my plants with attention -- hah!

Life coaching this afternoon.  Stay tuned ...

Hoping for anther peaceful day.  Lots of me-time doing things that ground me.  I'm getting more and more relaxed with this lifestyle -- gardening, creative stuff, plant-based cooking, Spanish, etc.  I like it.

Oh, and got a goodie from Etsy.  I've been eyeing this bag for a bit -- 1970s and my current favorite color. It's big enough to actually use (i.e. fit glasses and phone).  The owner packaged it in a vintage scarf. Got me in a mood for more vintage bags that I can use (I have some evening clutches) -- 2 other bags on the way.  Stay tuned.

Hubby arrived in Paris and is on a second flight to his destination in France.  He comes home Friday night.

As I said, I'm looking forward to another good day -- but the "second day jinx" is on my mind.  Have a good day -- next day is the pits.  Not scientific, but it seems to hold true lately (hormones -- I think when I get a big up, it's followed by a big down).  Fingers crossed.

I guess I (we) can decide to have a good day -- so let's have a good day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Lots of Dog Drama

I didn't write yesterday morning because 1 of 2 dog dramas -- Duke got stung, bit ... something on his back foot during his morning walk.  It swelled and in little dog fashion, he was flipping out for a couple of hours.  Washed, soaked, gave Benadryl and waited.  We googled venomous things to know what to watch for -- ruled out baby snake (which are very dangerous) because no bite marks or blood.  Next up was venomous spider which we have in GA (ugh).  Nothing to do for that except supportive care so we waiting to see if symptoms worsened.

All is well so probably a little bee sting elevated by a little dog reaction.

And the BIGGEST little dog reaction belongs to my chihuahua grand-dog.  She was rolling in the yard and got her nail stuck on the tag metal.  Screaming, flailing, biting ... until I could get the collar clip released.  Good lord.  She wasn't worse for wear after, but she gave me the cold shoulder.   Ummmm, I SAVED you!!  She says that's under review and we wait for the video evidence.  

Mohawk and a beard.

Otherwise it was a good day.

Spanish class seems to be the best one yet (or is at least the best 1st class).  Just me and one other guy and we're closely matched (it seems).  Mi maestra is feeling better and was back to her usual self.  Class started on time and ended on time.  BTW -- want to practice listening to Spanish?  The Language Lesson on HBO Max.  Good movie, lots of conversational Spanish.  Looks like I'm going to miss bookclub for a bit again.  The week got changed for the holiday weekend and I can't miss next week -- but I'm so glad to have Spanish class back in the afternoon.

HS zoom call got postponed because b-day girl had a headache.  I ended up phone chatting for 2 hours with my bff instead.

Lots and lots of crafty stuff happening lately.  Kids got me the calligraphy set and it's hard, but I like practicing.  I also found an artist on IG who has everyday projects (Andrea.nelson.art).  Lots of super good ideas that I'll add to my craft wishlist!

Here's a rock I'm leaving on the neighborhood trail ... painted with the rock indents that already looked like a face.  I think it will make the neighborhood kids (and grandkids) smile.

Here's my other grand-dog.  She is so cute and the softest dog fur ever (!!)

This week seems to have a good balance between fun (a couple of lunches), time to myself (gardening and rock painting) and regular grind stuff (lots of dog care, ortho appointment, errands).  I never know if it's going to stay balanced, but it looks good on paper (!!)

Hubby leaves for Paris this afternoon.  Safe travels, good luck with the job interview and stay well.

Going for a good week this week -- making the best of being home with 4 dogs while mi familia viajan all over the world.  Later gators.  

Saturday, May 14, 2022


Good morning.  Nothing planned for today except the usual stuff -- plants, rock painting, Spanish, dogs, etc.  And a long walk -- trying to do every other day to let my back and foot rest in equal amounts.

I happened to take a bunch of pictures yesterday so here's my day in picture review.

Hard to see, but 2 baby zucchinis.
Grow little bits, grow!!

Grand-dog #1

Favorite pee spot

Listening ...

Flowers from the yard.
I love the little white ones.

Goodie basket from my youngest
for Mother's Day.
Lots of fun stuff from Japan
inspired basket.

Latest rocks.
Big face is painted based on the natural
indents in the rock.  It looked like a face
so I painted a face.  It's a big rock I found in the woods.

Have a good weekend.  Later gators.