Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day

I'll start with a little **TMI ALERT** ... monthly came 10 days EARLY.  Surprise, but that explains so many hormone issues (cravings, sweats, bloat, headache).  All I wish is NO MONTHLY for the wedding ... pretty, pretty please.  **TMI OVER **

Palm Springs was a little comedy with a little heart.  It was worth a free watch.  We had a nice date night last night.

I finished In An Instant (Suzanne Redfearn) and it was good.  Super fast read, kept you curious the entire time AND the author's note at the end about why she wrote the story was interesting too (no spoilers).  This makes FOUR books read this week (I'll finish Share Your Stuff this morning).  Wow -- I'm back to fighting shape.  Two were short and sweet, but still -- that's a lot for me.  

A walk with my girlfriend for today has been on and off a dozen times because of the changing weather forecast.  Woke up this morning to back to a chance of rain and she hates rain.  We'll see if it happens.  My guess is nope.  Tomorrow is another full rain day so not a lot of outside recently. 

This week should be a cleaning week, but I'm bumping it to next week when hubby is home to help (b/c of my back).  I'm going to do a little hair practice for the wedding.  Fingers crossed.  I'd also like to do the HOUR MEDITATION from the 21 for 2021 list.  That got bumped and I haven't done one thing on the list yet.  That seems like the most doable right now.  The Mediterranean cookbook came and it looks like what I was looking for in new recipes.  Veggie forward, with a little cheese sometimes.  I'm picking a couple of recipes to try after the next grocery store run.  

Looks like a fun, easy, low stress, low hormone week -- can it be?!?  I've been running high on stress levels for too long and a break would be welcome.  

We booked our dog trip to Asheville, NC late June.  It's refundable.  I have every single finger crossed we can take this trip.  Our plans are outdoor stuff with our dogs so we should be okay.

Happy Valentine's Day.  Candy hearts love to everyone.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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