Sunday, February 7, 2021

Super Bowl Sunday

I'm all set for the game.  

I made a scratch recipe for cheesecake brownies.  They are extra fudge brownies with a cheesecake top.  I'm not a fan (I made them GF).  Hubby and I tried them last night -- he loved them, me not at all.  The brownie recipe is complicated for a brownie.  Bloom cocoa, make a ganache, add brewed coffee and practically no flour.  It's almost like a flourless chocolate cake on the bottom.  Too rich for my taste.  I had cream cheese from Christmas to use up.

Today is easy -- make your own Naan pizzas.  I need to finish up some of the toppings, but nothing major. I saved some prep for today because the brownies were a lot of work (and cleanup mess).  My back said enough after cleaning the bathrooms earlier in the day.

I don't have much to say this morning.  A bad dream woke me up early so I got up.  I think I'll read -- I'm ready to be finished with the latest book.  Way, way too many backstories of EVERYONE he talks about.  Mention a neighbor and get their life history.  I'm interested to know the story, but the book should be half as long.  The House on Hidden Valley Road.

Short and sweet this morning.  Have a happy football day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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