Saturday, February 27, 2021

Black-N-White Cookies

Another done and dusted off my 21 for 2021 list.  I made black-n-white cookies.  Hubby says they taste exactly right, but I don't think they're as cake-like as they should be.  Also, as you can tell, I wasn't very particular with the icing decorating.  It's a little off -- 55% to 45% lol.

I framed (Framebridge) a recipe from my grandmother's mother.  I'm bringing it to the Asheville house.  I'm super happy with the frame.

We're now closing on the house on March 9 -- WHAT?!?!?  This entire process from first idea to owning the house is lightening fast.  I'm trying to slow down and not panic that I have nothing for the house yet.  March is turning out to be a HUGE month for me.  I'm also trying not to panic about the sheer volume of stuff I'm ordering.  When you have nothing for kitchen or bathrooms or bedding -- it's a small fortune.  We budgeted it all, but it seems massive when you clump everything together.  

Enjoy the process.  I promised myself, but it's harder than it looks -- especially when we're still working on wedding things.  Exciting month and it will all get done, but I need to be intentional about enjoying it.

I leave with this quote -- sums up now just right.  Have a great Saturday.  Stay well. 

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