Yesterday was full. Today is EMPTY.
That's good and bad. I love a "nothing" day, but I tend to get bored and start snacking by late afternoon. Guess what my promise is today? NO SNACKING.
Even though it's a blank calendar page, I need to find some stuff to occupy myself. Yesterday felt good to get outside. Today is heavy rain all day so I'm limited.
Duke and I ran yesterday -- that dog can RUN (!!) Three miles like it was nothing. Multiple pee breaks, one poop break, 2 dog water breaks and we finished in 26 minutes. Dang. This park is a no-go on the weekends because of sports games (super crowded), but it's our new running route during the week. I can't run when hubby is in VA because Monti has such separation anxiety without Duke so our next run is a week away. We're back in the swing though.
Yesterday was a tiny slice of "normal." Multiple things out of the house, change in scenery. It felt good. I can not wait until this is over.
I hit a "pandemic wall" last summer -- super low, life in the crapper and that's when I started my GOOD LIST and started turning things around. I've hit another wall, but it's different. More excited, impatient anticipation. GIVE ME THE VACCINE lol. I'm starting a new list for this pandemic wall. Things I can do safely as the weather warms up to get out of the house, see people, feel connected. I think it's only a few weeks away in GA. Hikes, picnics, outdoor happy hours, Gibbs Gardens, runs with Duke, horseback riding.
I'm also gearing up for a new round of recipes. I enjoy eating plant based, but I'm bummed about the tofu intolerance. This limits me a lot with vegan cooking. I'm going to look for other options -- I can't be the only one. I might venture out to Whole Foods next week. They have a big selection of frozen items. Last time (and the only pandemic time) I went, they were stocking shelves and I couldn't have a good look.
I got a hair flower from Etsy to wear to the rehearsal event. It is orange and burnt red (color of the dress). I love it. Last things to arrive are 2 vintage bracelets -- one red, one orange.
I also got a Valentine's Day shirt because why not. Cheap tee from an online store.
Have a happy day and stay well. Later gators.
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