Saturday, March 2, 2019

Meet Lexi

Puppy came, got adopted and is back with the litter for another week (officially my cousin!).  She's sweet as pie - Lexi.  The name fits her.  My dog-gang wasn't happy having a puppy here, but we made it.  Aspen was the surprise playmate (steroids make everyone act strange LOL).  It was nice to hang with the aunts as well (and one uncle too!).

Parker is feeling better this morning.  Yesterday was rough again, but the kinks are slowly working out.  CBD oil on the way.  I'll give an update - takes 2 weeks before you notice improvement.

Today is the Soul Cycle class.  Should be an adventure in exercise (so they say).  I'm looking forward to seeing what the fuss is about.

We have our final closet consultation, mattress shopping and dinner with some good friends.  Busy and fun day ahead.  The sun came BACK out this morning for a little bit before we're hit with more storms tomorrow.  We have the back door open and it smells like SPRING.

Last week was HARD.  I'm happy to be at the weekend and a new week ahead.  Later gators.

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