Hubby left on a business trip, youngest is at his apartment, the house is semi-packed and feeling empty (people and things and even dogs since no foster). It's strange sitting here this morning. I'm sure strange will turn into GOOD very quickly. You know I like time to myself.
Can I scream for a little minute though? I'm so stinking BUSY. Even doing weeks of prep work, the days keep filling up. I knew this was going to be the biggest crunch time, but holy moly it's a lot -- especially with hubby gone. We tag team well. Now, it's on me for the week again.
P.S. I think we finished the last BIG load to the Goodwill. Still have furniture, but that will need to be picked up from our garage another day. I'll probably find a few things here and there, but so happy it's finished.
Even with the busy, there's FUN this week. Lunch with a friend today, GNI tonight with a craft project and dinner, massage on Thursday and Container Store shopping for some pantry organizing.
The house tour was AWESOME yesterday. I didn't take pictures because it looks the same -- well, I guess the basement rooms are finished, but that's ordinary. Workout room, bedroom and bathroom.
I love it so much. Every single thing -- love it. I showed hubby the other house we were considering because it's finished and we both raved and raved about how much MORE we love our house and our lot. Probably, most people in the development feel exactly the same about their house - as they should. This is the first time I got THE HOUSE I wanted in the neighborhood. I'd pick it over every other lot or house. All other moves were on a relocation -- school district first, neighborhood second and then whatever house was available. Never the house that was the most ME. Even this house. I like it a lot, but there are others in the neighborhood that I like more.
The house next door to us sold over the weekend. They move in 2 weeks after us - so construction won't be long. The other house (on the other side) is also for sale, but it's finished so even after it sells, not much construction (only changes that they want to make).
I think I'm handling the "stress" well, but I had a doozy of a water dream last night. That's a sign of stress for me. It's the kind that's still lingering this morning. That's probably why the quiet feels strange -- I'm still feeling the yucky from that dream.
I planned to go to the early boxing class, but my back is tender from moving stuff. Tender like it's on the verge of an injury. Not worth it. I guess I'll do a make-shift workout at home. I ran yesterday so not many options for today with my back wonky and leg still healing.
Have a great day - later gators.
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