Sunday, March 17, 2019

Almost Finished

Another car load of little stuff and an afternoon hanging things and the move is FINISHED for our youngest.

Next stop ... OUR move.

We're sore and tired, but stuff is getting done at lightening speed.

Hubby took apart a top cabinet on this big hutch we had in the bedroom (so we can put it in the trash).  Youngest took the bottom part for his apartment and the top was useless for anything else.

It looked like a stage so I was playing around and made it a "puppet" show for Duke.  Here's how it went down. (P.S. I'm the only one who thinks this is ADORABLE!)  Duke was totally curious and playing.  Parker heard him, came upstairs and stole the toy.  Brothers!  (And if you feel sorry for Duke, know that he's usually the thief in the relationship -- probably why I find it so funny.)

Come on - that has to make you smile just a little.

Last funny move story.  Hubby and I got home after returning the U-Haul and were totally high-living having launched our youngest child.  We were excited to have no more glasses left on the counter, no more overuse of my espresso machine -- since I came home to the machine left on and glasses on the counter to put in the dishwasher.  (Occurrences that happened multiple times a day, no matter how many times we asked otherwise - yes, good parenting LOL.)

He called about 5 minutes later and said he forgot his chargers so he'd be back in a few minutes to collect more things.  He had a glass of water (left it on the counter) and used the espresso machine (and left it on).  Touché, universe.

I'll miss HIM, not THAT though!!  P.S. He did work his butt off yesterday making that move happen.

In all seriousness - super grateful no one got hurt in the move, nothing got damaged and it didn't rain. A glass on the counter is a-okay at the end of the day.  Happy Sunday.  Later gators.

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