Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Daylight Savings Time

Does anyone else have a devil of a time making the "spring forward?"  Somehow this ONE HOUR messes with me for a good couple of weeks.  Every year, there's a political push to end it.  I don't care what time we choose, just choose one and stick with it.  That's my vote.

Yesterday was all packing, sorting and moving stuff to the main level.  I worked up a good sweat going up and down the stairs.  More of the same today.

I'm in a pattern of NOT doing my personal growth stuff over the weekend.  No real meditation, no journal book, no goal review, no book reading, no podcasts.   Monday comes and I forget to do it.  Legit forget.  Tuesday comes and I "panic" I've lost my mojo and might take a deep dive to where I was before.  I hope this is from the move and the unusually busy weekends.  I don't like the STARTING OVER feeling every week.

Guess what I'm doing today ... starting over.  Probably a little dramatic, but it feels like I need to force it again.  I miss feeling strong and focused -- it makes a difference when I do this stuff.  It doesn't take long and it's not hard.  It's probably going to happen again this weekend since we are moving my youngest into his apartment -- all day, both days.  Maybe I need a better plan, but I can't think of one. I don't intend to let the stuff go, but, it gets busy and I get pulled away and that's that.

I have planning fatigue.  Decision fatigue.  Problem solving fatigue.  Every part of my life is LIT right now -- changing at lightening speed.  At least, for me.  I don't like to move through CHANGE quickly and definitely don't like to change so much at once (even the TIME changed!!).

What helps maneuver all the change is the consistency of my good habits -- so, dang, I need to figure this out.

Here's a funny from Facebook.  I read it and cracked up.  It's stupid and stinking FUNNY!

Today's agenda is waiting for a pine straw delivery (that's a southern thing - like mulch, but ugly LOL).  I have my call with Darcie.  We postponed last week because both our schedule's needed a different day.  Trader Joe's run if pine straw comes on-time.  More packing, moving, organizing.  AND ... my personal growth stuff.

Have and make it a good Tuesday.  Later gators.

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