Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Dang, I'm tired

I'm trying to handle ALL this change well, but it's mentally exhausting.  That probably means I'm not handling it as well as I thought underneath the surface.

I slept okay and am up early for a workout before the packers come.

It'll help when we can tell people what's going on.  All hush-hush until the formal announcement next week.  This kind of news is toxic as a SECRET.  Open and honest.  Tell the world.  No shame.

It's odd, because it's not bad news.  Yet, my brain keeps saying it MUST be bad news because it's UNCERTAIN.  Please, shut up, dear brain.

I don't want to move to my new house with bad feelings floating around -- somehow marking everything with yucky mojo.  I know, my choice.  I'm trying.  More meditation today.

I shooting for an 'A' for this test (but I'll settle for a passing grade).

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