It's not often that I hit a rough patch with workouts.
I'm in one right now.
Perfect storm of problems. Leg injury (no running), sick (no gym) and that leaves less-than-awesome home workouts pieced together for a little lift, abs and cardio. Nothing that leaves me feeling great.
I haven't gone to the gym with this cold for a few reasons. First, when I'm really germ-ie -- that's rude to others. Second, in recovery phase I cough a lot when I workout. I'm not graceful about it (don't get me started on throat snot - just typing this makes me want to gag ... see the problem?!?). Finally, said coughing leads to peeing. No polite way to say it. Usually not a lot, but if my bladder is full at all, I have to stop and go empty it (or risk a real problem). That's hard to do when you are wrapped and gloved for boxing, coughing and clenching to not pee.
With no satisfying workouts for a week, I find it hard to elevate myself to do all the other healthy stuff. I'll do (most) of it, but with no zip.
It starts with a workout for me. Always does. I can change things up or skip occasionally (sick/injury), but after more than a few days, it creates an itch followed by a slump. Does that make sense?
I need to push ahead of this slump and get at it. The problem is, what can I do?
Throat snot or not (my new slogan), I'm getting an elliptical workout today and doing the boxing class on Saturday. The Saturday class is so crowded and loud, my coughing (gagging) shouldn't be noticed. I can't get over this hump/slump without stepping into my workout.
The reasons are real, but now the risk is now low enough that I'm forging through (cough is reasonable and I'm not going to spread germs).
To the gym!!! Later gators.
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