Monday, February 25, 2019

The Sun and Other Miraculous Happenings

The sun came out ... after disappearing for what felt like a generation.  I love a rainy day, but this rain pattern gave me the blues too.  I've never seen so much rain over so many days. (P.S. give me 2 days of sun and I'll be over having sun again hahaha.)

I have only ONE more miraculous happening, but it's a goodie (title is a bit misleading - sorry).  April is back from maternity leave and FRIDAY I have a 90 minute massage.  Girl, I can not wait (I've been reading Rachel Hollis and now overuse the "girl" before everything I say).  She is the best massage therapist I've ever had - hopefully the baby didn't ruin her LOL.  I was going to do 60 minutes (as she's just back) but I figure we need to chat baby birthing at the beginning.  90 minutes gives me plenty of time to relax into massage nirvana after our polite chat.  (Yes, I care -- just not during my massage.)

Now onto less joyful stuff.

I feel better, not best ... working on it.  By Friday, I will be ME (in time for the massage, dang it).

I had a few moments of panic or disappointment or upset this weekend.  Don't know what to call it.  Hello, mood Saturday and Sunday.

Long story, short is none of the kids are able to help us move at the end of March.  Youngest is doing his own move (and complaining we can't help HIM!!).  The other 2 are off to Las Vegas for the week (business trip combined with a little vacation).

What do you mean no one can help us for a date we had set for 2 months?!?!?  We have movers, but we are moving some things ourselves.  Pictures and clothes and some family items.  No heavy lifting, but we need CARS to transport.  Also, dog help for the moving day would be awesome.  Parker is friendly, but gets in the way.  Duke is Duke and will be a pain in the ass and flight risk.

I used Byron Katie's method (and wine ... oops) for getting to a better headspace.  At first, it felt personal and hurtful.  I did the questions and turn around and feel better.  Still not happy about it, but no longer as upset.  I also went into PROBLEM SOLVING mode and I can figure it out - of course.  It's disappointing though (probably need to do the work again LOL).

Remember how I posted I'm going into LOW POWER MODE for the rescue group?  Well, that's not going well.  I'm getting push back, guilt-trips and some complaints since we are busy and short-handed.  I'm holding my ground.  I gave TWO MONTHS notice.  That said, I'm still upset about it.  Feeling not appreciated or respected.  Oh, and I'm still BUSY doing rescue work, way more than I planned to ... give me a break folks!  UGH.

All of this said, I'm happy for this Monday.  I know "experts" say don't wait for a Monday or a new day or a new month or a new year to have a fresh start, but the reality is it IS a natural start-again moment.  It feels like a clean slate.  I've been sick and moody and monthly so MONDAY is good.  Fresh week.  SUN is SHINING (my word of the year).  New beginning.  Feeling better.  Plan in place for a good week.

Girl, we've got this!  Make it a great day, week, month -- whatever.  P.S. I promise to stop the "girl" once I finish her new book (which isn't great, BTW -- more on that when I'm finished).  Later gators.

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