Sound of our money going out of my pocket.
Yesterday was a BUYING day.
First, the Universe apologized for such a crappy Monday and offered me a helping hand yesterday. The Container Store sale ended YESTERDAY (not today). My Wednesday got changed up so I called to get an earlier appointment and found out the sale ended. I was put on a wait-list for an appointment with little hope. The very next phone call she took was a cancelation for an evening appointment. I know I'm old when a 7 o'clock appointment felt like midnight.
The plans will be ready by Saturday to review. It exciting and expensive and scary (me designing something!!). Hubby approved the estimate so WOW!! Nothing is final until we sign.
I went to Best Buy to get washer/dryer and they price matched the refrigerator too. AWESOME (problem solving). The other store was throwing a little shade because we weren't ordering high end (they actually said that to me, but their price was the best -- surprisingly). And you know how we feel about our local Lowe's. Best Buy was again spot on with customer service, options and delivery choices. So far, so good. Another BIG purchase.
I also got some FRIEND feel goods yesterday. Our neighbor invited us to a local restaurant that we've talked about trying since we moved in, but never have -- too many other choices that seemed better. It's a mom and pop Italian restaurant (they're from Italy - so people say it's great). Small, small tables, owner chat with all the diners. Never felt like that's what we wanted, but it's kind of an icon in our town and a shame to not try it. That's in a couple of weeks.
Another neighbor set the date for a Starbucks Nitro coffee run for a few of us. We've talked about it a lot, but our schedules never coincided. They've never had it -- just wait, ladies. It's AMAZING! That's tomorrow, early. Wise, because it's not called Nitro by accident!
Tonight, I have an appointment to do some furniture "designing." Fabric and style choices. I don't expect to buy anything yet, but I want to get planning.
Tomorrow starts the relaxing FUN of the week. I'm going to focus on ENJOYING it. When I get stressed, busy with too many decisions -- I can do something fun and never come out of my head planning my next thing. Staying present. That's my focus. I also need some friend time -- connection and grounding.
Yesterday ended up being a good day. It started off rough (again) and had some irritating moments, but I seemed to pull it together. Good job me and thanks, Universe for cutting me a break!
Because hubby left for out-of-town on a Saturday and my cleaning crew changed their day, I'm mixed up on the day -- Wednesday totally disappeared in my head. I'm glad I "found" the "extra" day this week -- it gives me some morning downtime. I need to remember I have appointments in the afternoon though (vet x 2 and furniture). I keep forgetting - it's like my brain says THERE IS NO WEDNESDAY.
(I just rewatched The Matrix this weekend. I love that movie - the first one. There is no spoon. Get up Trinity.)
On a final note (that I keep saying over and over) -- problem solving is life elevating. Problem solving and saying NO. Every time I do either, it's like a revelation to me. Is this how people do things and I didn't get on the band wagon until now?? It feels revolutionary. I can say NO to that request? I can find a FIX to that problem?
Hope it's a great WEDNESDAY for everyone. Hope I remember it's Wednesday. Later gators.
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