Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

We do exactly NOTHING to celebrate.  I gave the kids some chocolate and plan (planned) to make a treat for dinner tonight.  However, I'm sick (hello, cold-sore too) and next 2 days are full.  Treat might take a backseat this year.  Shouldn't I be the Valentine-ee anyway, not the Valentine-er?!?!

Painters are coming today to work on a few projects.  We have a showing tomorrow afternoon.  House isn't on the market, but an out-of-town family wants this neighborhood and would like to see this house too.

I have a few small projects before the showing -- mainly spit-shinning the refrigerator.  Everything else is de-cluttered and ready.  Logistically, getting 3 dogs in the car and getting us out of the house quickly (I have to be home to let them in -- no lock box yet) is going to be a challenge.  I have a few ideas (problem solving!!).

I ate like crap yesterday.  Carbs and more carbs.  I crave carbs when I'm sick, but I think I overdid it with the "evil" white carb.  It started innocently enough with sushi for lunch and took a big downward turn ending in toast with butter for dinner.  (Lots in-between too.)  I justified that I already have a cold-sore so where's the harm.  Buffered and gluten-ed the day away -- oops.

Maybe my body needed it?  I don't feel the carb coma today at all.  Either way, carb-o-palooza is over.

It's another quick post today of not-much-to-say.  I need to get to the gym and home for the painters.

On the final note of Valentine's Day ...
.... the boxing instructor on Saturday will shout, "I LOVE" and the class responds, "MySELF."  No matter your love status right now this is true.

Here's my shout out to us all ..... ME: I LOVE .... You: MYSELF.   Happy Valentine's Day.

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