Friday, February 15, 2019

Not an Advertisement, but it should be ...

This is embarrassing.  Pathetic really.  Every house we tell ourselves we WILL NOT do it, but we do.

Every house there are "things" that we overlook when we buy the house and tell ourselves we'll fix the problem -- no problem.  Little broken knob or some cosmetic issues or something scratched ... that kind of thing.  Then we don't.

We have a bonus room over the family room that has a built-in desk with cabinets.  The previous owner used it as a craft area and it was a mess with paint spills.  We replaced the countertop with granite when we did our basement bar and planned to paint the cabinets that have black paint dripped and splotched over them.

Fast forward 6 years.  Guess what was NOT painted?

Hiring some guys to do quick fix ups and the cabinets were on the list.  The estimate: 9 hours at $40/hour plus paint.  The realtor and painters suggested painting them white to match the trim.  The more I thought about it, the more I didn't like that idea.  White is the wrong color.  These cabinets aren't visible from the door.  Seemed like a waste of money.  We bought it worse than it was (the countertop was a hot laminate mess).  Why not leave it?  No one is NOT going to buy the house because of it or even ask that it gets painted.

Then I had a problem-solving idea.  MAGIC ERASER.

Well, damn.  Fixed.  Black marks gone.  Looks new.

6 years and I never thought to try it?!?!?  I use Magic Eraser for tons of things.  Goodness.  I only used 1/3 -- I cut it.  Less than $1 worth of product saved me hundreds.

Call me a fool -- I deserve it.  Magic Eraser is my hero (again).

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