Sunday, February 3, 2019

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl!!  I'm watching with my future daughter-in-law (I love saying that) at her apartment.  I'll stay until half-time so I can watch and judge critique the show.  We're getting take-out from a local Italian restaurant.  She's a Patriots fan and I'm a not-a-football fan.  I'm the cliche watch-it-for-the-extras person (National Anthem, commercials, half-time).  I'm glad to cheer on her team.

Today is a full and fun day.

I'm starting the CLOSET purge.  Oh, I'm excited!  I re-read Gretchen Rubin's concepts of CLUTTER from The Happiness Project.  She has a great perspective on types of clutter and how to evaluate it.  I bought the only organizational tool I need -- box of large trash bags.  The sort will be trash and Goodwill using her evaluation tools.  I'm tabling the Kondo method for now.

On a side note about Gretchen Rubin -- I tried her Happier at Home book again and I'm not digging it -- again.  I'll shelve it and come back to it another time.  If I'm not inspired to read it after this year of her program ... to Goodwill it goes.

My other "fun" is coffee with a good friend -- the awesome conversation friend.  I'm totally in the mood today.

I finished A New Earth and it's amazing.  I'd go as far as saying it's the best spiritual teaching I've ever had.  Byron Katie is also one of my favorites and reading her book was life changing too (when I finally understood it!).  Eckhart covers acceptance as well.  BK devotes her entire teaching to it, so much more detail and explanation.  It helped me understand Eckhart's teachings more clearly.  Both books go well together.

Eckhart answered the big question I have after reading a spiritual book.  If joy and peace and everything comes from your own self -- stillness, space, etc., what's the point of the external things?  Can I ever enjoy a TV show, a pizza, a career accomplishment, a good hair day?  He answers it beautiful in the last 2 chapters of the book.  So beautifully, I'm going to re-read it this week.  I won't try to explain it because I can't do it justice.  Head to the source book on this one.  The internal and external can integrate and aren't mutually exclusive.  Thank the lord -- the joy of pizza is alive and well, even if I become "awakened."

(Can you tell I have pizza on my mind today??)

I slept much better last night (thanks, Benadryl).  I woke up extra early, but no harm since I slept without my 3 hour interruption of THINKING.

My family made it to the ski resort, but not without DRAMA.  My youngest passed out on the first flight.  He has vertigo on the regular and is getting over an ear infection.  That combined with a late night (out with friends the night before), up at 4:30 am, lots of coffee and a couple of "breakfast" cocktails at the airport -- no wonder.  Paramedics had to board the plane.  He feels fine now.  I'm worry about him.  He needs to see an ENT doc about the vertigo.  They made the "is there a medical professional on board" announcement on the flight.  Oh boy.  I imagine lots of "oh crap" comments by other passengers.  No one wants an unscheduled stop (they didn't need to do that BTW).

Boxing was good yesterday, not great though.  It was a substitute for one of the guys (he played professional football, so I'm sure he's doing Super Bowl stuff since it's in Atlanta).  I never quite "got it" and kept messing up.  Still a good workout, but not a good mind exercise.  Maybe I have too much in there right now hahahaha!

Because of my schedule this week, I'm taking a rest day today.  It maps out better for the week.  It's all closet, all morning.  I'm in such a mood to purge THINGS that I need to watch I don't throw out stuff I actually need!  I woke up and my first thought was, "goodie - hitting the closet today."

I'm betting the Patriots win by a lot (I don't think that's a stretch of a prediction).  Have a fun Super Bowl day -- later gators.

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