Sunday, February 24, 2019

Appliance Shopping

New house = new appliances.

We need a refrigerator for the kitchen.  While the opening is "standard" size, the size that is standard is the regular, small, counter-depth.  It's much smaller than we're accustom to using.

What I learned:  low finger print stainless steel is really just paint.  It's scratches and is a mess after time (jewelry, dogs jumping, etc).  Regular stainless steel will have marks constantly with DOOR water/ice.  Black stainless is the real deal (even low fingerprint) but doesn't go with our kitchen.  We decided on a Kitchen Aid stainless steel with no outside ice/water.

At the same time, we have a refrigerator from our FIRST house 20 plus years ago.  It's lived in the garage, basement and it's still trucking.  The energy efficiency is horrible, but it didn't make money sense to replace it.  We think it's finally "going" -- the refrigerator isn't staying as cold.  We use it for the freeze space and cold drinks.  RIP our first refrigerator - you've served us well even though we banished you to the basement!

Simple, standard and LASTED FOREVER!
Thank you, old and ugly fellow.

That means we need SOMETHING for the garage -- freezer space and cold drinks.  We use a lot of both (sadly, not very green of us).  We looked at upright freezers, stand alone beverage refrigerators and settled on a side-by-side for the garage.  Anything will do ... dent, scratch, color.  It's still $$$ - finding around $700.  Ouch, but necessary.

What I learned:  You have to special order a side-by-side if you don't want outside water/ice -- which we don't because it's for the garage (and without ice, we'd have more freezer space).  Dent models aren't as cheap (discounted) as you think!  When you find a super duper value it's like missing a door or something equally as dramatic.  I guess there's a bigger market for dents and dings than I thought.

Also, we are FINALLY dumping our front-loaders -- washing machine and dryer combo.  I hate the washers.  They're expensive to move, get so smelly after a move and ours are older (for the lifespan of modern appliances).

What I learned:  Top loaders are still popular.  The most popular top loaders are the ones with agitators but they have tons of cons - use lots of water, hard on clothes and don't do a great job.  Still popular because they are a cheaper purchase.  Finding the top loader, no agitator washer was easy - lots of brands that I like.  Big enough, etc.  It's the dryer that's the trouble maker.  Not all access doors are created equal (some open down, some to the side).  Depending on the size, you might need to lay on the floor to empty the dryer -- it's crazy low!  The bigger capacity dyers have a higher opening.  Not the home run I expected.

The biggest surprise and disappointment .... the wine refrigerator.  Looked online -- lots of inexpensive, stand alone.  Great.  Then I researched a little.  Not great.  The cheap ones are just that - cheap, noisy, can't fit anything but standard shaped bottles and are nothing but problems.  The budget keeps getting raised on this -- we're at about 4 times the original estimate so far.

What I learned:  I LOVE WINE!  Sorry, budget.  Sometimes you have to spend.  Also, I learned that we are moving and leaving the most amazing built-in subzero beverage center EVER MADE.  I knew I loved it, I didn't know how much until I started shopping for wine storage.  P.S.  I hate our subzero refrigerator.  LOVE the "beverage center."

Wine storage on top.
The DRAWERS are coolers for beer, bottles, cans, etc.

Adding the pictures of our "beverage centers" -- old refrigerator and fancy wine center -- makes me wonder which I love more.  Old faithful or the pretty boy.  Old faithful has been with us for 25 years and seen it all.  Pretty boy gave me so much fancy beverage-joy for 6 years.  Tough choice.  Can't choose (although, I'm kind of a sap for old -- maybe that's my winner out of respect).  Metaphor on life??!?!  Maybe, or maybe I like cold drinks (and a value) ... a lot!

Final note on purchasing all these lovelies.  Lowe's has underwhelmed us over and over with customer service.  We MIGHT give them our washer/dryer business, but hoping to find pricing better elsewhere.  We've used Lowe's over the years with no problem -- maybe it's this particular store.  They have been unwilling to help, no knowledge at all (we can read the signs too - looking for a little more) and can't wait to walk away from talking with us.  We are buying 2 refrigerators, washer/dryer and wine refrigerator and they seem to NOT want our business.  Interesting sales management.

Happy Sunday.  I'm planning to wash away the last of my feel-bad feelings and get set for Monday's goal of feeling myself again.  Fingers crossed.  Later gators.

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