I have to toot my own horn -- this problem solving tactic is working for me (most of the time LOL).
Trash peeps did NOT take the wet, mega trash bag load. Guess they decided that none of it should go (it was a lot, but they are required to take some of it, but didn't). Brats. I called my DIL and took everything to their dumpster. Technically allowed?? Nope. Justified in my mind for lots of reasons - yep! Problem solved.
Working on getting Aspen another foster home for the move. Problem solving.
Working on getting this house ready to sell. You guessed it - problem solving.
Lots of CRAP surfacing, but I look at it like from a solution mind-set, not a whining mind-set. Who am I?? I promise this is so NOT the usual way I handle crap internally. It feels good.
I am down to the final de-clutter of the storage room. I started it and lots of the stuff is already organized and being stored for the kids. I have a few shelves to finish (lots of Goodwill) and I need to sort memorabilia boxes. That's going to be the hardest. We have so much inherited stuff from the older generation who have downsized (pictures and pictures and pictures). I need to consolidate. This will take me days to do and it's getting done last. It's not actually necessary since we have the room to store it all (it's in labeled bins), but it's too much. No better excuse than a move to get it looking prettier! Why is it so hard to toss a picture? And it's so easy to get lost down memory lane that it takes 5 times as long to sort.
Today is a workout at the boxing gym. Probably the elliptical if I can get my butt in gear this morning. Otherwise, boxing class. I'm giving my leg this week and next and then trying some power walking. Fingers crossed - being patient is HARD when it feels okay now.
My girlfriend is coming over to watch Made for More -- Rachel Hollis on Amazon. After the success in theaters, Amazon Prime picked it up (which is what they tried to do in the first place). 90 minute documentary followed by 30 minute coaching session. Worth the free watch!
I have another evening of rescue calls - blah. I want to go to bed early and READ instead. OMG the suspense book is just what I needed - fun, fast, twisty. I'll let you know if the ending makes it worth the read. The Wife Between Us.
Still working my way through Ask and It Is Given. Still odd, still good.
New podcasts out this week and that makes me happy! I didn't listen in the car yesterday since I had car company. P.S. Junebug got a clean bill of health. Healing nicely and no diabetes - whew.
I guess I can get moving and head for an elliptical workout. I'm in the mood for music and doing out to cardio. Later gators.
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