Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday Things

Nothing major to report.

We have a good day ahead.

The high ENERGY boxing class this morning (better than the last instructor LOL).  Appliance "looking" with hubby.  Taking the kids to see the new house and having a family dinner at home tonight.

I made meatballs ... so pasta for the win tonight.  Easy and nice to hang out with the kids today.

I'm enjoying my trashy book -- suspenseful and fun.  I'm taking a breath from some of my personal growth reading (I don't like that term BTW).  Life-lite this weekend.

Tomorrow we meet with our realtor for THIS house.  Price setting, plan making.

Hitting the storage room for a huge clean out tomorrow too.  So big, it might take a couple of days.  We'll see.  It's organized but man oh man is it FULL!  My back hurts just thinking about it!

There's a possibility we'll have 2 showings next weekend.  Nothing really serious, but peeps in town want to see everything in the neighborhood.  We aren't even close to show ready, but I don't think either is actually interested in the house.  This is giving me slight panic because it's not ready (and wasn't supposed to be ready).  I don't like that feeling.

Later gators!

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