Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Maybe I Could Design a House??

I met with the home designer and the building team yesterday -- so much fun!  Of course, finishing 2 rooms does not a house make (so they say LOL) but it was smooth and easy.  Here's the SEA of NEUTRALS.  Even though it may look like I didn't pick anything - there were about 10 things I need to choose -- from grout color to granite edge.

I love the house and neighborhood and area more every time I visit.  Next visit is Thursday for the home inspection.  Hubby is planning to join me -- that will be welcomed company.

I dead-to-rights tired (is that the expression?).  Between dogs, house and rescue work, I didn't have a moment yesterday.  Well, I had moments, but I used them to de-clutter.  Desk in the kitchen is de-cluttered and looking good.

Today, I'm backing up and giving myself some space.  I need downtime to balance the "uptime."


Here's the scoop on what I'm reading ... it's a doozer ... hang onto your hats.

(BTW, I loaded the FUN read and went to start it a couple of night ago.  It starts with 4 pages of character outline -- that's never a good sign of an EASY read.  I tabled that one for now.)

Let me tell you the background of how I came upon the strangest book.  My coach, Holly, recommended this on her Instagram as one of the most influential spiritual books she's ever read.  I bought it at that point and added it to my reading stack.

Coffee date with my friend this week and she asks if I've ever read Abraham and Hicks.  Nope - never heard of them (so I thought).

That night, I pulled the book Holly recommended because the "fun" book seemed too complicated.  Ask and It Is Given -- Esther and Jerry Hicks.  Still not making the connection.  I skipped the forward because I was tired and just wanted to see chapter one.  I read it and thought WHAT-IN-THE-WORLD?!?!?  So read the forward - about Abraham.

It's strange beyond words.  Abraham is her spirit guide and speaks through her (her husband is along for the ride too).  Like a possession kind of thing.

The next morning, I needed a new podcast so I randomly picked a Brooke Castillo -- I choose a number and listen to it (I've done this plenty of times).  The episode was on Abraham and Hicks.  Brooke's thoughts are that it's weird and crazy, but the message is solid and beautiful.  As someone said to her -- why the hell does Esther Hicks need to say it comes from some alien?!?

I'll read it with that outlook and a whole ton of CURIOSITY.  And I'll be reading it in the privacy of my house ONLY.  It's staying home for my hair appointment today LOL.  Funny how all of a sudden, it's on my radar from 3 people.  Guess I need to read it.

Little Aspen is up early and barking to be let out - best get to her.  Later gators.

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