Thursday, February 28, 2019

Dang, it ...

Cue drama and tears.

I had to postpone my MASSAGE on Friday.  Ugh.  I must have gloated too hard, spoken too loudly.

I swore NOTHING would stand in the way of this time for ME ... but, I guess, a puppy can and did.  I have to be involved with my aunt's puppy adoption through Releash Atlanta.  11 - 2 pm.  My massage appointment was at 11.  There was no other way -- I put my problem solving skills to the test and came up dry.  Long story that doesn't end with a massage -- that's all I need to say.

(Massage on Wednesday -- come hell or high water.)

Anyway, I had my furniture appointment last night.  Next stop is meeting at the house to see what we can use from this house and what we need to buy.  We need family room furniture, 2 area rugs and bar stools.  That should be all, says my bank account.

As expected, we keep twisting and turning what we want and when we can get it.  Some things are waiting.  We told ourselves, do it right the first time instead of rushing and regretting (as we've been known to do).

One thing that's waiting, but will happen eventually ... a new master toilet.  I WANT a toilet that flushes fully the first time, sits up high and has a good water level in the bowl (aka will take care of business with one flush).  I don't need a fancy one -- I want the kind that they used to make before water efficient, low profile toilets become the norm.  I waste more water double or triple flushing and my knees hate a low toilet.  Am I the only one with this problem?

This morning is my nitro coffee date with a couple of friends - fun and I'll have energy for hours!

Tonight is GNI group.  We're making spa make-n-takes.  Lotions, bath scrubs, bubble bath.  I like when we DO something instead of standing around a kitchen island eating.  Should be fun - I love good smells.   It's funny how I wanted to leave this group and finally have my excuse with the move -- now I don't want to go.  Fickle.

Cleaning crew and a new groomer for the dogs today (closer to our new house).  It's another day of running around.  Focusing on staying with what I'm doing and not thinking ahead too much.  I did okay with that yesterday, room for improvement though.  I'm also getting tired as this week carries on -- no relief in the near future.  When I get tired, I get moody and stay complaining in my head.

It's an early morning for the nitro date.  Time to get moving.  Later gators.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Swoosh ....

Sound of our money going out of my pocket.

Yesterday was a BUYING day.

First, the Universe apologized for such a crappy Monday and offered me a helping hand yesterday.  The Container Store sale ended YESTERDAY (not today).  My Wednesday got changed up so I called to get an earlier appointment and found out the sale ended.  I was put on a wait-list for an appointment with little hope.  The very next phone call she took was a cancelation for an evening appointment.  I know I'm old when a 7 o'clock appointment felt like midnight.

The plans will be ready by Saturday to review.  It exciting and expensive and scary (me designing something!!).  Hubby approved the estimate so WOW!!  Nothing is final until we sign.

I went to Best Buy to get washer/dryer and they price matched the refrigerator too.  AWESOME (problem solving).  The other store was throwing a little shade because we weren't ordering high end (they actually said that to me, but their price was the best -- surprisingly).  And you know how we feel about our local Lowe's.  Best Buy was again spot on with customer service, options and delivery choices.  So far, so good.  Another BIG purchase.

I also got some FRIEND feel goods yesterday.  Our neighbor invited us to a local restaurant that we've talked about trying since we moved in, but never have -- too many other choices that seemed better.  It's a mom and pop Italian restaurant (they're from Italy - so people say it's great).  Small, small tables, owner chat with all the diners.  Never felt like that's what we wanted, but it's kind of an icon in our town and a shame to not try it.  That's in a couple of weeks.

Another neighbor set the date for a Starbucks Nitro coffee run for a few of us.  We've talked about it a lot, but our schedules never coincided.  They've never had it -- just wait, ladies.  It's AMAZING!  That's tomorrow, early.  Wise, because it's not called Nitro by accident!

Tonight, I have an appointment to do some furniture "designing."  Fabric and style choices.  I don't expect to buy anything yet, but I want to get planning.

Tomorrow starts the relaxing FUN of the week.  I'm going to focus on ENJOYING it.  When I get stressed, busy with too many decisions -- I can do something fun and never come out of my head planning my next thing.  Staying present.  That's my focus.  I also need some friend time -- connection and grounding.

Yesterday ended up being a good day.  It started off rough (again) and had some irritating moments, but I seemed to pull it together.  Good job me and thanks, Universe for cutting me a break!

Because hubby left for out-of-town on a Saturday and my cleaning crew changed their day, I'm mixed up on the day -- Wednesday totally disappeared in my head.  I'm glad I "found" the "extra" day this week -- it gives me some morning downtime.  I need to remember I have appointments in the afternoon though (vet x 2 and furniture).  I keep forgetting - it's like my brain says THERE IS NO WEDNESDAY.

(I just rewatched The Matrix this weekend.  I love that movie - the first one.  There is no spoon.  Get up Trinity.)

On a final note (that I keep saying over and over) -- problem solving is life elevating.  Problem solving and saying NO.  Every time I do either, it's like a revelation to me.  Is this how people do things and I didn't get on the band wagon until now??  It feels revolutionary.  I can say NO to that request?  I can find a FIX to that problem?

Hope it's a great WEDNESDAY for everyone.  Hope I remember it's Wednesday.  Later gators.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


(1)  After my love letter to my old refrigerator, we decided to let him die a slow death in our garage.  It's still working (might be fading), but this gives us some space and time to evaluate what we really need for overflow stuff.  Also, if we buy new, they'll take the old for free.  It's $100 to remove it on it's own.  Won't be that much to pay movers to take it to the new house.

(2)  Finished Girl, Stop Apologizing -- Rachel Hollis.  You know I like her LOTS and you know I didn't like her first book.  This one is much the same.  Most of the book is what she talks about already (Instagram, movie, podcast) so barely any new material or stories.  The last section of the book on Skills was the best part.  I also don't care for her writing style in this book series.  It's too simple or corny -- don't know how to describe it exactly.  She writes like she's writing a journal post or a very basic blog post (like mine LOL).  She often says things like ... please editor keep this bad word in here ... I'm writing this sentence on an airplane ... I'm over deadline by a day on this chapter.  It's odd and doesn't work for me.  She makes corny self-deprecating comments trying to be funny.  The book needs some polish and new material.  My guess is she has flown up in popularity this last year and she doesn't have new stories to tell.  Her training is good, her ideas are good, but she doesn't have enough content in her life to carry all these venues -- or maybe I'm a stalker fan and "see" her too much.

The same thing happened to me with a Brene Brown book.  I heard her interviewed on a podcast and thought - oh, the book sounds great.  Turns out the podcast covered the ENTIRE book.  Reading was redundant and a waste of time after listening to the podcast.  Both were good though -- just could have saved a few hours of reading and $15.

(3)  Closets.  We need to do the master closet and I thought California Closets would be the winner.  They get crappy reviews everywhere -- on Yelp, professional designers, etc.  I was hard pressed to find a good review.  The winner seems to be The Container Store systems.  I visited this weekend and they were nice, but I assumed I'd be happier with California Closets -- then I researched.  I think we're going to do the master a little nicer than we thought and hold off on the pantry.  I want to see how we use the pantry and what space needs we have -- might not be as much as I thought.  I don't need to keep appliances or cleaning supplies in that pantry.  I have a design appointment on Wednesday evening (there's a sale and they are booked solid!).

(4)  I also finished Ask and It Is Given -- Abraham and Hicks.  Boy, it's out there.  I liked most of the message and it was a feel good book, but you need to overlook the CRAZY.  I'm using some of the techniques and we'll see where that gets me.  There's no harm in believing nice things.

(5)  Fun Stuff:  The massage is the pinnacle of the week (of course).  I added a pedicure yesterday.  My nails were long and getting smooshed in my running shoes.  I hadn't gone because I ripped off most of one of my toe nails (the same day I smashed a finger nail bed) -- dang, both hurt.  It's not grown back but it isn't sore so they "faked" a nail with polish.  My usual tech was out sick so the massage was lacking, but my nails look nice again.

(6)  Full Week -- lots of "work" too.  Aspen needs to go to the vet (skin infection).  My dogs need shots this week and we're trying a new groomer near our new house.  (The old groomer sold the business and it's not the same.)  Finalizing some house purchases and getting stuff set up (this is a full post all by itself).

(7)  De-clutter.  I'm anxious to continue de-cluttering.  We have a lot of good stuff we aren't moving and it needs to go to the Salvation Army.  I was waiting in case we had additional showings (pictures on the wall, furniture, etc).  I'm trying to get as much done before the explosion of stuff-to-do starting at the end of March -- it feels like waiting for a race to start ... lined up, but can't go anywhere yet.  It's still too early.  I'm running the pantry, refrigerator and wine stock as empty as I can -- I do it when we move.  Less to move and a start-over with fresh stuff works.  I don't rotate as much as I should so using everything up feels good.  I'm not going to go crazy, but I want to adopt a more MINIMALIST approach -- just me and hubby so I don't need such a full pantry.  Choose wisely and more efficiently, if I can!


Nothing went particularly smoothly on Monday.  All my chores became a CHORE.  I tried to turn stuff around, find a happy face, but ended up accepting it was going to be one-of-those-days.  I got my crap finished with lots of reminding myself it does no good to be irritated.  It stopped a full day of head complaining, but not exactly the FEEL GOOD day I planned.

After the yuck of the day, I plopped myself down and watched junk TV for the night.  I recorded the Oscars and watched Sister Wives.  I did it sans wine so that's a win (I've been taking the running-out of the wine stash a little too seriously).

On a good note, I used PROBLEM SOLVING like a master.  So many opportunities to hone my craft LOL.  It's been life changing.  I should write a book:  Girl, Fix All The Crap.  I'll think on it :-)

Later gators.

Monday, February 25, 2019

The Sun and Other Miraculous Happenings

The sun came out ... after disappearing for what felt like a generation.  I love a rainy day, but this rain pattern gave me the blues too.  I've never seen so much rain over so many days. (P.S. give me 2 days of sun and I'll be over having sun again hahaha.)

I have only ONE more miraculous happening, but it's a goodie (title is a bit misleading - sorry).  April is back from maternity leave and FRIDAY I have a 90 minute massage.  Girl, I can not wait (I've been reading Rachel Hollis and now overuse the "girl" before everything I say).  She is the best massage therapist I've ever had - hopefully the baby didn't ruin her LOL.  I was going to do 60 minutes (as she's just back) but I figure we need to chat baby birthing at the beginning.  90 minutes gives me plenty of time to relax into massage nirvana after our polite chat.  (Yes, I care -- just not during my massage.)

Now onto less joyful stuff.

I feel better, not best ... working on it.  By Friday, I will be ME (in time for the massage, dang it).

I had a few moments of panic or disappointment or upset this weekend.  Don't know what to call it.  Hello, mood Saturday and Sunday.

Long story, short is none of the kids are able to help us move at the end of March.  Youngest is doing his own move (and complaining we can't help HIM!!).  The other 2 are off to Las Vegas for the week (business trip combined with a little vacation).

What do you mean no one can help us for a date we had set for 2 months?!?!?  We have movers, but we are moving some things ourselves.  Pictures and clothes and some family items.  No heavy lifting, but we need CARS to transport.  Also, dog help for the moving day would be awesome.  Parker is friendly, but gets in the way.  Duke is Duke and will be a pain in the ass and flight risk.

I used Byron Katie's method (and wine ... oops) for getting to a better headspace.  At first, it felt personal and hurtful.  I did the questions and turn around and feel better.  Still not happy about it, but no longer as upset.  I also went into PROBLEM SOLVING mode and I can figure it out - of course.  It's disappointing though (probably need to do the work again LOL).

Remember how I posted I'm going into LOW POWER MODE for the rescue group?  Well, that's not going well.  I'm getting push back, guilt-trips and some complaints since we are busy and short-handed.  I'm holding my ground.  I gave TWO MONTHS notice.  That said, I'm still upset about it.  Feeling not appreciated or respected.  Oh, and I'm still BUSY doing rescue work, way more than I planned to ... give me a break folks!  UGH.

All of this said, I'm happy for this Monday.  I know "experts" say don't wait for a Monday or a new day or a new month or a new year to have a fresh start, but the reality is it IS a natural start-again moment.  It feels like a clean slate.  I've been sick and moody and monthly so MONDAY is good.  Fresh week.  SUN is SHINING (my word of the year).  New beginning.  Feeling better.  Plan in place for a good week.

Girl, we've got this!  Make it a great day, week, month -- whatever.  P.S. I promise to stop the "girl" once I finish her new book (which isn't great, BTW -- more on that when I'm finished).  Later gators.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Appliance Shopping

New house = new appliances.

We need a refrigerator for the kitchen.  While the opening is "standard" size, the size that is standard is the regular, small, counter-depth.  It's much smaller than we're accustom to using.

What I learned:  low finger print stainless steel is really just paint.  It's scratches and is a mess after time (jewelry, dogs jumping, etc).  Regular stainless steel will have marks constantly with DOOR water/ice.  Black stainless is the real deal (even low fingerprint) but doesn't go with our kitchen.  We decided on a Kitchen Aid stainless steel with no outside ice/water.

At the same time, we have a refrigerator from our FIRST house 20 plus years ago.  It's lived in the garage, basement and it's still trucking.  The energy efficiency is horrible, but it didn't make money sense to replace it.  We think it's finally "going" -- the refrigerator isn't staying as cold.  We use it for the freeze space and cold drinks.  RIP our first refrigerator - you've served us well even though we banished you to the basement!

Simple, standard and LASTED FOREVER!
Thank you, old and ugly fellow.

That means we need SOMETHING for the garage -- freezer space and cold drinks.  We use a lot of both (sadly, not very green of us).  We looked at upright freezers, stand alone beverage refrigerators and settled on a side-by-side for the garage.  Anything will do ... dent, scratch, color.  It's still $$$ - finding around $700.  Ouch, but necessary.

What I learned:  You have to special order a side-by-side if you don't want outside water/ice -- which we don't because it's for the garage (and without ice, we'd have more freezer space).  Dent models aren't as cheap (discounted) as you think!  When you find a super duper value it's like missing a door or something equally as dramatic.  I guess there's a bigger market for dents and dings than I thought.

Also, we are FINALLY dumping our front-loaders -- washing machine and dryer combo.  I hate the washers.  They're expensive to move, get so smelly after a move and ours are older (for the lifespan of modern appliances).

What I learned:  Top loaders are still popular.  The most popular top loaders are the ones with agitators but they have tons of cons - use lots of water, hard on clothes and don't do a great job.  Still popular because they are a cheaper purchase.  Finding the top loader, no agitator washer was easy - lots of brands that I like.  Big enough, etc.  It's the dryer that's the trouble maker.  Not all access doors are created equal (some open down, some to the side).  Depending on the size, you might need to lay on the floor to empty the dryer -- it's crazy low!  The bigger capacity dyers have a higher opening.  Not the home run I expected.

The biggest surprise and disappointment .... the wine refrigerator.  Looked online -- lots of inexpensive, stand alone.  Great.  Then I researched a little.  Not great.  The cheap ones are just that - cheap, noisy, can't fit anything but standard shaped bottles and are nothing but problems.  The budget keeps getting raised on this -- we're at about 4 times the original estimate so far.

What I learned:  I LOVE WINE!  Sorry, budget.  Sometimes you have to spend.  Also, I learned that we are moving and leaving the most amazing built-in subzero beverage center EVER MADE.  I knew I loved it, I didn't know how much until I started shopping for wine storage.  P.S.  I hate our subzero refrigerator.  LOVE the "beverage center."

Wine storage on top.
The DRAWERS are coolers for beer, bottles, cans, etc.

Adding the pictures of our "beverage centers" -- old refrigerator and fancy wine center -- makes me wonder which I love more.  Old faithful or the pretty boy.  Old faithful has been with us for 25 years and seen it all.  Pretty boy gave me so much fancy beverage-joy for 6 years.  Tough choice.  Can't choose (although, I'm kind of a sap for old -- maybe that's my winner out of respect).  Metaphor on life??!?!  Maybe, or maybe I like cold drinks (and a value) ... a lot!

Final note on purchasing all these lovelies.  Lowe's has underwhelmed us over and over with customer service.  We MIGHT give them our washer/dryer business, but hoping to find pricing better elsewhere.  We've used Lowe's over the years with no problem -- maybe it's this particular store.  They have been unwilling to help, no knowledge at all (we can read the signs too - looking for a little more) and can't wait to walk away from talking with us.  We are buying 2 refrigerators, washer/dryer and wine refrigerator and they seem to NOT want our business.  Interesting sales management.

Happy Sunday.  I'm planning to wash away the last of my feel-bad feelings and get set for Monday's goal of feeling myself again.  Fingers crossed.  Later gators.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Low Power Mode

Gretchen Rubin term and it works.

Since we are knee deep in house stuff, I'm going on LOW POWER MODE for the dog rescue.  I'm not taking a break (or quitting), but I need to do basics only for a few months.  Fewer applications calls, no fostering (at the end of March until May), no fundraising events, no regular transporting or house checks.  The term works - thanks, Gretchen.  The powers-to-be know what's going on, but the rescue doesn't (yet).  When I post it, I'll use this term.  As Gretchen says, people understand it immediately.  No huge explanation needed.

I'm such a podcast junkie lately, that even hubby is joining the bandwagon.  Not personal growth -- but the business and quirky educational ones.  How this is made, how this works, history of this fun thing.  That kind of thing.  Bringing the man up to play with the cool kids hahahaha.

On Thursday we had our dinner with Dr. Anthony Chan (head economist).  He makes the TV rounds regularly (I don't watch that kind of show) so people were asking for pictures with him.  Cracked me up.  I sat NEXT to him.  I had nothing to add to the economy conversation and no one was speaking to him ... so I did.  Where do you call home?  NYC -- oh, what's your favorite pizza?  (Pizza is universal.)  Ice broken -- thankfully.  I get nervous in those situations.  He's a nice guy -- well rounded with conversation.  His presentation was interesting - knows his audience (ie not economists).  Nothing too technical and he was dropping jokes -- and, the best part, it was SHORT.  Well done, Dr. Chan.

I made it to the gym yesterday.  Praise to all that is good.  I didn't pee myself or cough up throat snot, but I did cough through most of the workout.  This morning I woke with my monthly and I've decided to forgo the boxing class today.  Nothing good will come out of it.  Home workout for the win.  Too many obstacles at the gym.  Maybe I'll try a little treadmill too.  My goal is to feel completely better by Monday -- right on track.  Today should be the last of the lousy days.

After the gym, I rushed and showered to go to meditation.  Pushing myself to do my healthy habits.  It was cancelled.  Dang it.  Since it's free, I guess they don't send notification of changes.  I took that time (before my call with Darcie) to run to Target to get 5 things.  Three of the 5 were unavailable.  Striking out kind of day.

Apparently, there's a shortage of fresh ginger.  Most US ginger comes from China and they had a bum crop.  I think Whole Foods has ginger from another country (based on how it looks).  I'm going to check it out today.  My green drink is gross without ginger.  If I have no luck, then I'm trying powdered ginger.

Hubby left for a skiing trip and it's me, dogs and grumpy (sick) youngest this weekend.  Looks like one more day of rain/no-sun.  It's a low-power-mode kind of day ... workout, reading, grocery store.  Nothing hard.

I need a plan for some fun this week - or at least some productivity.  I'll work on ideas this weekend.  Later gators.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Workout Woes

It's not often that I hit a rough patch with workouts.

I'm in one right now.

Perfect storm of problems.  Leg injury (no running), sick (no gym) and that leaves less-than-awesome home workouts pieced together for a little lift, abs and cardio.  Nothing that leaves me feeling great.

I haven't gone to the gym with this cold for a few reasons.  First, when I'm really germ-ie -- that's rude to others.  Second, in recovery phase I cough a lot when I workout.  I'm not graceful about it (don't get me started on throat snot - just typing this makes me want to gag ... see the problem?!?).  Finally, said coughing leads to peeing.  No polite way to say it.  Usually not a lot, but if my bladder is full at all, I have to stop and go empty it (or risk a real problem).  That's hard to do when you are wrapped and gloved for boxing, coughing and clenching to not pee.

With no satisfying workouts for a week, I find it hard to elevate myself to do all the other healthy stuff.  I'll do (most) of it, but with no zip.

It starts with a workout for me.  Always does.  I can change things up or skip occasionally (sick/injury), but after more than a few days, it creates an itch followed by a slump.  Does that make sense?

I need to push ahead of this slump and get at it.  The problem is, what can I do?

Throat snot or not (my new slogan), I'm getting an elliptical workout today and doing the boxing class on Saturday.  The Saturday class is so crowded and loud, my coughing (gagging) shouldn't be noticed.  I can't get over this hump/slump without stepping into my workout.

The reasons are real, but now the risk is now low enough that I'm forging through (cough is reasonable and I'm not going to spread germs).

To the gym!!!  Later gators.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

It's All About the Weather

Wow - will the rain and storms ever stop?

I get that I'm lucky - no flooding, mudslides, wind damage, etc.  Thank the lord and knock wood.  But how much more water can hit the land without consequence.  Hubby didn't get home from his flight until 3 am.  Flight diverted, unable to land several times and drive home was wicket.  I was awake a lot of the night waiting for him (checking email for updates), soothing scared dogs and jumping with the storm noises that seemed directly over the house.

You know how I know ... the old no-time-between-lightening-and-thunder calculation.  I couldn't even say one-Mississippi.

Scary.  I don't know what the rest of the country is going through with weather this week, but I bet we're not the worst of it (I'm checking once I finish this post!!).

When I finally got to a sound sleep (hubby home), I had crazy dreams about spiders.  Fun night all around.  I know the dream came from a post I read from a new dog-foster mama at Releash.  She's from Australia and posted a picture of her daughter's messy room.  A friend of hers from Australia commented that her open dresser drawer would be dangerous in Australia.  That's an open invite for an Assie spider.  OMG!!!  I can't even imagine.  I'm trying hard not to imagine.  It's the reason I'll never go to Australia.  Lame, fear based, limiting and I DON'T CARE!!  Never. Ever. Over. My. Dead. Body.  Sorry, the dreams are lingering this morning.

In other news ... I finished the second season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.  How did I think the second season was disappointing?  It was ... well, MARVELOUS!  Maybe even better than the first.  I should wait to weigh in with my opinion until I know it's my opinion hahahaha!

I started a new book. (My TV binge is over for now.)  Tell you more about it when I'm finished (see above declaration -- that won't stick for too long, but since I just said it ...).

I'm rambling - not totally awake yet.  Restless night with yucky dreams.  I'm in a fog.

Tonight, hubby and I are going to a dinner sponsored by our bank -- financial forecast for the year.  We went 2 years ago to the lunchtime presentation.  The head financial forecaster for Chase speaks for about 45 minutes.  I thought the talk would go over my head, but it's general enough that I "get it" and it's interesting (surprisingly).  Free dinner too.

The rest of the day is paperwork and rescue calls.  Nothing that feels inspiring from where I sit this morning.  Plugging along to feeling better.  I need a better night's sleep to secure some better days.  I decided to have a goal to feel my best by Monday.  That means good diet, good workout, good sleep and a few more days of recovery.  Of course, I'm set to get my monthly this weekend.  That could be contributing to my blahs this morning too.

Stay dry!  Later gators.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Yo hablo espaƱol.

I don't, but I want to -- super duper duper duper want to (speak Spanish, in case that wasn't clear from the other lingual title LOL).

It's been a dream or a goal for many years.  I've failed lots of times.  Rosetta Stone, adult education class and repeat and continue to fail.

It on my DREAM list which will turn into a GOAL in a future year.  Per Rachel Hollis, work one goal at a time.

I don't expect to be fluent, I only want to be sort of conversational (believe me, it's a reach goal -- not selling myself short).

I've been thinking about a few ways to do things differently that can give me more success (can't have less LOL).

(1)  Work at it REGULARLY.  I start, I struggle, I stop.  Maybe if I didn't stop, I'd make some progress.  Duh.

(2)  Learn the written basics.  I can't understand some speaking since I can't visualize the words - everything blends.  Rosetta Stone and the class I took, work with lot of nouns and some verbs.  I didn't know the word for "I" until I looked it up for my goal sentence (Rachel Hollis journal).  I need a Spanish 101 class.  The foundation.  Words that fill out a sentence.  What, Who, She, He, They, Am, Us ... you get the idea.  Also, if I understood the sentence structure a little, it would help me "hear" the words better.  If I can isolate words, I can do better translating.  I figured this out in France.  I haven't taken French for over 20 years, but I didn't do horribly -- all because I could "see" the words I wanted to say.

(3)  Limiting belief that I can't learn language.  It's true that it's hard for me (harder than for most people).  It's true that an older brain takes longer to learn language.  It's more difficult, but not impossible.  I speak English well -- to say I can't learn language is actually NOT true.

(4)  A friend also suggested that once I learn a little, watch a Spanish channel on TV with English subtitles.  That seems super advanced, but I'm keeping it in my back pocket.

On that note, I have 3 things on my radar.  Even though I'm not working this goal as my primary thing right now, I keep looking for things that will help me when the time is right.

First is a free app Duolingo.  I'm already using it (for 2 days hahahaha)  It's silly, but keeps me familiar some regular words.  Having a little basics will help when I start learning as my big goal.  BTW, why is it that beginner Spanish ALWAYS starts with man, woman, boy, girl and APPLE.  What's up with APPLE?  Would not have placed that with the best-first-words-to-learn -- for any language.  Every program does it.

Fluenz Immersion Program.  Rachel Hollis did this program and loved it.  It's expensive (almost $6,000), but I thought maybe a graduation once I do a year of solid work (in a few years).  It's a combination class and vacation.  Something for hubby and I to plan one year.  I know he'd love the opportunity to do an immersion program (he speaks Spanish reasonable well already).  It's a total package of fun and learning.

I found a local Spanish learning center ( that offers some options for classes.  I've looked many times to take a basic college course or adult education class (again) and nothing is available or appropriate.  If I want to take a college course (local to me), I need to be accepted into the school (transcripts, money, interview, etc), pay mega money to take the class -- seems like overkill.  Adult Education classes are all the same conversation stuff that doesn't give me the BASICS that I need first.  While online courses have merit, I'm looking for some handholding.  I'm kind of a special case and need some special attention.

If I could change anything I did in my life ... I have 3 things (in no particular order).

(1) go out with friends after our wedding - they had so much fun, we missed it
(2) take Spanish in high school instead of French
(3) go into ICU immediately after I graduated nursing school

There you have it.  Not really a regret-list, more a do-over list.  If I could do it again, I'd do it differently.  There was a smarter way.

Not bad for almost 50 years of living though.

Rachel Hollis coaching was good yesterday.  Good, not great.  Her topic was PERSPECTIVE.  She was all over the map with the content.  She spent the time on "what is your perspective" and forgot to coach on "how to change your perspective."  She went over the 2 hours because she realized she left out the important part of WHAT TO DO.  A lot of what she said, I've heard her say before.  Still, it was good to hear and fun to watch her do her thing.  She told a number of personal stories that were really moving.

Dogs need to go out (in the pouring rain) - best get moving.  Later gators.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Life on My Sofa

Do you say couch or sofa?  I use both.  Gets me thinking of regional words.

Lunch meat or deli meat or cold cuts.
Supper or dinner.
Vacuum or sweeper.
Soda or pop or cola.

That's all I can think of this morning - I swear there are more :-)

I spent a lot of time on my sofa yesterday afternoon trying to recoup.  Here's the lowdown on what I watched.

Because I Said So:  On Prime from 2007 (I think).  It's cute-ish for a romcom, but also a little strange.  Lots of weird sex talks added at seemingly random times.  Good cast and good for a sofa plunge yesterday.

Mozart in the Jungle:  Prime (or maybe Netflix).  It's a series behind the scenes of the symphony world.  Halfway into one episode and lost interest.  Maybe I'll try it again -- lots of people love it.

Second season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel:  Prime.  I had a hard time getting into the second season.  I watched 2 episodes and I'm back into it.  I love fast talking and it's still funny.  Oh, the dresses -- to live back when fashion was so cool.  Makes me want to grab my vintage clutch from Esty and go out.

Sister Wives:  DO NOT JUDGE!!!  Hahahaha!!  I've watched this show since the start.  Initially out of curiosity and now because I'm hooked.  My (real) sister watches too and we chat about it every week.  Lots of their kids are getting married now and both me and my sister have our eldest getting married.  It's fun to watch.  P.S.  We like this family a lot -- no judgement, just fascination.  (See, my life is more than personal development lol.)

Call the Midwife:  I finished the final episode to date.  It's 7 seasons so it lasted awhile.  It's fantastic! Lots of new characters in and out each season.  Usually that bugs me, but it works so well in this series.  Also makes me crave simpler times.  I think lots of people feel that way lately.


Today is Rachel Hollis coaching (late afternoon - 2 hours).  Perspective.  I'm looking forward to it.

I'm dumping some of the Gretchen Rubin program.  The network is not for me.  Our small group is no longer small and (again) people are doing BIG, HUGE goals.  Nothing little, fun or easy.  And, on a side note, declaring big goals and no one is actually achieving them.  It's a chat thread of one excuse after another -- the energy of the posts is a complete downer.  I'll still check out her monthly materials and video chats.  Glad it was only $10/month.  Guess everything can't be a home-run.

On the RH front -- Darcie suggested matching t-shirts for the conference.  Yep.  I love a matching shirt.  I miss the days of being able to dress the family in homemade tie dye for vacation.  Etsy has tons of options and we can always make our own (through Etsy -- not me actually making it!!!).

Also on RH front -- some book stores put her new book on sale a month early.  Darcie found them and is sending me a copy.  Yea!

Remember that I mentioned Jen Hatmaker was coming to Atlanta (twice actually)? I couldn't decide about signing up when I was sick -- everything seemed overwhelming?  My bff texted last night and asked if I wanted to go.  I don't know if tickets are still available.  Waiting to hear her thoughts on location.  JH is in Austin, TX too and that's where my bff's sister lives.

No question I'm on the mend, but I still feel like I'm under a rock.  Everything feels like effort and tires me out the minute I do it.  I'll keep plugging along and hopefully feel myself again soon.

I'm planning on going to the gym for an elliptical workout (didn't end up going yesterday).  I'm going later this morning if I feel better.  If I don't, then I'm long walking Duke and calling it a day (if the rain stops).  Lots of "ifs."

Later gators.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Problem Solving, Podcast and Puppies

Problem Solving

I'm going to brag on this problem solving thing again.  I can't tell you what a difference it's making in my life to "see" a problem and instead of bitching and complaining, I LOOK for a FIX.  And most of the time I find one.  Shocking to ME.  Maybe other people do this on the regular and I'm late to the game.

Anyway ...

Hubby's phone wouldn't charge yesterday.  He was leaving for the airport with a dead phone.  Verizon wasn't open yet and it was a big problem.  He was fussing and upset.  I googled restart fixes and it didn't work.  Then I sat and thought about it - looked for a solution.  We were in our DUSTY new house yesterday (we were all covered in dust when we left and he was taking lots of pictures) and I suggested it was a dirty connection (he had blown on it already, but that didn't work). Thanks to de-cluttering, I knew exactly where the compressed air bottle was and it FIXED the problem.  He thought about a connection issue already, but since blowing on it hadn't worked, he figured it was a bigger issue.

It's actually kind of fun to do it.  Oh, there's a problem.  Let's figure out something to fix it.  Miracle.  Or maybe normal thinking for most people.  Whatever - it's working for me right now.


Oprah's Super Soul Sunday Podcast.  Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee: Sufism 101.
I listened in the car yesterday.  Oh, it's good.  I was curious what Sufism is and learned the answer plus a whole lot more.  It's a feel good podcast that makes you think.  PS Sufism is NOT a religion.  The message is beautiful.


My aunt and I went and met the puppies.  Total cuteness.  I don't have any good pictures because we used my phone to FaceTime.  Here's the puppy my other aunt is adopting (professional picture!).  We played with a few, but the litter had tummy issues so I didn't sit down and get puppy mushed LOL.

They were "free" in a parking lot.  The owner is a mentally challenged person who wouldn't surrender the parent dogs.  They are lab and boarder collie mixes.  10 originally in the litter, but by the time Releash Atlanta got involved, there were only 7 left to rescue.

Julian is the smallest girl.  She's sweet and gentle and so puppy SOFT!!

Look at this face!

Here's the start of a puppy pile!

BONUS picture:
Aspen and Duke waiting for the house showing to finish.
Little miss was NOT happy.

In other news ...

I feel a lot better.  Last night was the first night I wasn't tossing and turning with sinus pain.  I'm still blowing and coughing, but relief is HERE.  Tomorrow, I hit the gym for an elliptical workout.  I am so tempted to try the treadmill today, but I promised myself I'd wait until next week -- I don't want to step backward.

I'm also welcoming vegetables back to my plate this week.  Carb-fest is over.  I still drank my blending veggie drink every day, but that was the extent of my healthy for the day.

Have a great Monday - later gators.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

No News is No News

No offer on the house -- dang.  I guess that would've been too easy.  It's an honor to be nominated though LOL.

We might re-think the timing of going officially on the market, ie might list in a couple of weeks.  I'll keep you posted (remember -- it's the "moving" channel around here).

We took our DIL to the new house yesterday.  Major construction.  It looks good, but OMG the dust.  I can't figure where so much dust came from.  We didn't stay long because it was hard to breathe (we're all sick).  The house next door got landscaped (looks awesome) and we re-visited both houses that are our immediate neighbors.  They're for sale and it was fun to tour and be noisy.

I'm turning the SICK corner today.  I feel marginally better - well enough to do a home workout.  Nothing at the gym because I'm hacking up unpleasant things and I'm not very lady-like as I do.  It's a  THING that you don't want to know about.  I wish I didn't know about it either.

Hubby leaves for CA today - gone all week and then leaves on a ski trip.  It's me, my grumpy son and 3 dogs for as far as the eye can see.  I need to get myself back in gear to handle this week.  When I feel lousy, it's hard to function on any level with any kind of good attitude.

I might be able to muster some good feels today (when I'm being mushed by 7 puppies!!!).

I also need to get my eating in order.  When I don't feel well, but still have an appetite, it's CARBS and more CARBS.  The thought of cauliflower was too much to handle.  Rice for the win.  Bread for the win.  Even Doritos made an appearance (and I don't even like Doritos).  I bet The Jeans don't fit for a couple of weeks -- oops.

Jen Hatmaker - one of my favorite speakers - is coming to Atlanta twice this spring.  Both times are downtown and start during evening rush hour.  I'm on the fence about getting tickets.  I want to wait until I feel better and decide.  Maybe it'll be sold-out and the decision will be made for me.  I don't have a clear head right now to think about anything like driving in rush hour!

I have massively high hopes that today is a transition day and I will wake up tomorrow with a clear head (literally and figuratively) and get back to the business of my life!!  (I'm also feeling dramatic today.)  Under-slept kills me every time (in addition to being awake with my cold, Aspen had diarrhea in her crate 3 times last night - ugh).

I didn't realize it was a long weekend until I saw the appliance sales.  Life with no school aged kids.  Happy Sunday. Later gators.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Coming Back!

The family who saw the house yesterday is coming back this morning for another look.  Fingers crossed!!

Either way, it's a compliment that the house made their short list -- without carpet, paint and floors being ready.

We take showings seriously and everything is spit-shined and organized.  It looks nice all prettied up.

In other news ... I'm sick as a dog.  Cough, cold, sinus, eyes gunky.  It's a bad one.  Between the cold, house showing and my leg injury -- no workouts this weekend.  And, yes, carbs still holding strong.  Recovery is going to be a "thing."

Tomorrow, I'm driving into the city to look at a litter of puppies for my aunt.  What could be better??  7 week old puppies jumping and playing.  It'll be worth the drive.

Later gators.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Not an Advertisement, but it should be ...

This is embarrassing.  Pathetic really.  Every house we tell ourselves we WILL NOT do it, but we do.

Every house there are "things" that we overlook when we buy the house and tell ourselves we'll fix the problem -- no problem.  Little broken knob or some cosmetic issues or something scratched ... that kind of thing.  Then we don't.

We have a bonus room over the family room that has a built-in desk with cabinets.  The previous owner used it as a craft area and it was a mess with paint spills.  We replaced the countertop with granite when we did our basement bar and planned to paint the cabinets that have black paint dripped and splotched over them.

Fast forward 6 years.  Guess what was NOT painted?

Hiring some guys to do quick fix ups and the cabinets were on the list.  The estimate: 9 hours at $40/hour plus paint.  The realtor and painters suggested painting them white to match the trim.  The more I thought about it, the more I didn't like that idea.  White is the wrong color.  These cabinets aren't visible from the door.  Seemed like a waste of money.  We bought it worse than it was (the countertop was a hot laminate mess).  Why not leave it?  No one is NOT going to buy the house because of it or even ask that it gets painted.

Then I had a problem-solving idea.  MAGIC ERASER.

Well, damn.  Fixed.  Black marks gone.  Looks new.

6 years and I never thought to try it?!?!?  I use Magic Eraser for tons of things.  Goodness.  I only used 1/3 -- I cut it.  Less than $1 worth of product saved me hundreds.

Call me a fool -- I deserve it.  Magic Eraser is my hero (again).

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

We do exactly NOTHING to celebrate.  I gave the kids some chocolate and plan (planned) to make a treat for dinner tonight.  However, I'm sick (hello, cold-sore too) and next 2 days are full.  Treat might take a backseat this year.  Shouldn't I be the Valentine-ee anyway, not the Valentine-er?!?!

Painters are coming today to work on a few projects.  We have a showing tomorrow afternoon.  House isn't on the market, but an out-of-town family wants this neighborhood and would like to see this house too.

I have a few small projects before the showing -- mainly spit-shinning the refrigerator.  Everything else is de-cluttered and ready.  Logistically, getting 3 dogs in the car and getting us out of the house quickly (I have to be home to let them in -- no lock box yet) is going to be a challenge.  I have a few ideas (problem solving!!).

I ate like crap yesterday.  Carbs and more carbs.  I crave carbs when I'm sick, but I think I overdid it with the "evil" white carb.  It started innocently enough with sushi for lunch and took a big downward turn ending in toast with butter for dinner.  (Lots in-between too.)  I justified that I already have a cold-sore so where's the harm.  Buffered and gluten-ed the day away -- oops.

Maybe my body needed it?  I don't feel the carb coma today at all.  Either way, carb-o-palooza is over.

It's another quick post today of not-much-to-say.  I need to get to the gym and home for the painters.

On the final note of Valentine's Day ...
.... the boxing instructor on Saturday will shout, "I LOVE" and the class responds, "MySELF."  No matter your love status right now this is true.

Here's my shout out to us all ..... ME: I LOVE .... You: MYSELF.   Happy Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Cold or Allergies??

Don't know yet.  The trees are in bloom so this might be allergies.  Sore throat, sneezing, blowing.  I'm not feeling well this morning.  Bummer.

Here are some updates:

Finished my suspense book (The Wife Between Us).  Good.  4 twists, easy, fun.  No awards, but it was a good change of pace.  Got to read instead of talk on the phone (rescue calls) because people stood me up -- par for the course with this gang.  Not complaining - way nicer to read!

My girlfriend came over to watch Made for More.  Duke ate her shoe.  Dang it, Duke!  Now Duke is frantically shoe shopping LOL (she said no need, but we're sending her a gift card).

New Prime movie added to my list -- Because I Said So.  My girlfriend said it's a good one.  Saving it for a night with no one home.

Cleaning crew today.  I have a good deal of office work so the timing works well.

That is all today - quick, easy, boring ending.  This post gets a "thumbs down" from me.  Later gators.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Problem Solving

I have to toot my own horn -- this problem solving tactic is working for me (most of the time LOL).

Trash peeps did NOT take the wet, mega trash bag load.  Guess they decided that none of it should go (it was a lot, but they are required to take some of it, but didn't).  Brats.  I called my DIL and took everything to their dumpster.  Technically allowed??  Nope.  Justified in my mind for lots of reasons - yep!  Problem solved.

Working on getting Aspen another foster home for the move.  Problem solving.

Working on getting this house ready to sell.  You guessed it - problem solving.

Lots of CRAP surfacing, but I look at it like from a solution mind-set, not a whining mind-set.  Who am I??  I promise this is so NOT the usual way I handle crap internally.  It feels good.

I am down to the final de-clutter of the storage room.  I started it and lots of the stuff is already organized and being stored for the kids.  I have a few shelves to finish (lots of Goodwill) and I need to sort memorabilia boxes.  That's going to be the hardest.  We have so much inherited stuff from the older generation who have downsized (pictures and pictures and pictures).  I need to consolidate.  This will take me days to do and it's getting done last.  It's not actually necessary since we have the room to store it all (it's in labeled bins), but it's too much.  No better excuse than a move to get it looking prettier!  Why is it so hard to toss a picture?  And it's so easy to get lost down memory lane that it takes 5 times as long to sort.

Today is a workout at the boxing gym.  Probably the elliptical if I can get my butt in gear this morning.  Otherwise, boxing class.  I'm giving my leg this week and next and then trying some power walking.  Fingers crossed - being patient is HARD when it feels okay now.

My girlfriend is coming over to watch Made for More -- Rachel Hollis on Amazon.  After the success in theaters, Amazon Prime picked it up (which is what they tried to do in the first place).  90 minute documentary followed by 30 minute coaching session.  Worth the free watch!

I have another evening of rescue calls - blah.  I want to go to bed early and READ instead.  OMG the suspense book is just what I needed - fun, fast, twisty.  I'll let you know if the ending makes it worth the read.  The Wife Between Us.

Still working my way through Ask and It Is Given.  Still odd, still good.

New podcasts out this week and that makes me happy!  I didn't listen in the car yesterday since I had car company.  P.S. Junebug got a clean bill of health.  Healing nicely and no diabetes - whew.

I guess I can get moving and head for an elliptical workout.  I'm in the mood for music and doing out to cardio.  Later gators.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Going With the Flow

Trying to at least.

Lots changing up with the house.  I decided to switch up some of my clean-up stuff if the house is getting shown before it's on the market.  No one cares about a storage room.  I need the kitchen and pantry to SHINE!  I've never seen my pantry so nice (so much for not staging the house).

We're in this strange place of house-NOT-on-the-market, but sort of on the market.  I don't like that strategy so I'm getting some stuff ready despite living here.

OMG - so much junk.  HOW?!?!?  I know everyone says that, but I'm still in shock.  Pretty please take all the trash bags this morning (and it rained last night).  I might own the guys if they take it all.  We had 3 car-full runs to Goodwill and we STILL have some areas left to go.  Unbelievable!  Both of us worked ALL DAY!

It feels good.  Like a big cleanse.

We showed the kids the house on Saturday with good reviews (even from our grumpy youngest).  The new Kroger has a wine/beer bar and we joked that apparently it's a hot spot for both younger crowd and older folks.  It's nicknamed the Kro-Bar.  Kids wanted to "ironically" stop for a drink before heading home to dinner.

Wine was cheap and good (red at the perfect temperature).  Beer was cold and fresh taps - also cheap $3 for a large.  We got packs of sushi and sat and it was fun.  Everyone was chatting with everyone.  Older, younger.  Who knew?!?!

That's hubby - front and center.

Today I'm driving my DIL-to be to the far, far, far away vet for Junebug's follow-up appointment.  It's going to take the better part of the day.  Time that I don't have this week, but I'll figure it out (problem solving!!).

Once this week is finished, the house will be just about where it will be when we move out (except bathroom grouting in a couple of weeks and pine straw).  Everything else happens when we move out.  It will be de-cluttered, staged and some of the fixes finished.  Painters are coming this week to fix the basement ceiling and painted office cabinets.  The outside is getting pressure washed.  Brick porch is getting grout fill too.  It's going to look GOOD!!

Hubby is home this morning for a dentist appointment so I need to run.  I'm desperate to have some alone time.  Not this week though.  Later gators.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday Things

Nothing major to report.

We have a good day ahead.

The high ENERGY boxing class this morning (better than the last instructor LOL).  Appliance "looking" with hubby.  Taking the kids to see the new house and having a family dinner at home tonight.

I made meatballs ... so pasta for the win tonight.  Easy and nice to hang out with the kids today.

I'm enjoying my trashy book -- suspenseful and fun.  I'm taking a breath from some of my personal growth reading (I don't like that term BTW).  Life-lite this weekend.

Tomorrow we meet with our realtor for THIS house.  Price setting, plan making.

Hitting the storage room for a huge clean out tomorrow too.  So big, it might take a couple of days.  We'll see.  It's organized but man oh man is it FULL!  My back hurts just thinking about it!

There's a possibility we'll have 2 showings next weekend.  Nothing really serious, but peeps in town want to see everything in the neighborhood.  We aren't even close to show ready, but I don't think either is actually interested in the house.  This is giving me slight panic because it's not ready (and wasn't supposed to be ready).  I don't like that feeling.

Later gators!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Brain Mush

I feel like yesterday ran me over.  Lots to chat about  ....

First hair, because it begins and ends with my hair hahahaha.  I tried the braid and failed.  It wasn't the loose, flat to head braid.  That's hard to do -- hard as in my arm hurt trying so many times.  I compromised with a flat free-flow braid.  This is my starting point.  Can I get better?  What's the number of hours you need to work on something before you master it - 10,000?  Hopefully, not that many.

Going to BOXING hair.
First attempt at a braid.
It was okay for workout, not showered look.

Boxing was a little bit of a bust, but I got a good workout.  There was a substitute with the lowest energy EVER and spent the class texting on his phone - I kid you not!  There was a new lady in class who made grunting, short scream noises for EVERYTHING.  Sometimes it sounded like she was dying and sometimes sounded like she was orgasming.  It made me laugh.  At least she brought some energy to the class.

Then my mood radically switched for a few hours.  I was panicking about losing MY spaces in the new house.  I fixed the problem and my mood by talking to my hubby about it.  It's going to work out okay.  Whew.  Rollercoaster.

Home inspection was LONG.  They found a lot of problems, but most are simple fixes.  We figured out more of the furniture placement and seems like we're set with the decisions.

We met several neighbors - all are friendly and there's lots of social activity in the neighborhood.  Exactly what I want - and then panicked again.  What if it's all silly old people?  What if people don't like me?  Calm down!!!  I was tired and my brain was going crazy making up crap.

I download a recommended suspense book.  Easy, mindless read.  I need to build in some FUN to this week.  It's full of TASKS and I need BALANCE.  It's good so far (the ending is supposed to be fantastic).

I'm trying the FREE meditation class at my yoga studio this morning.  30 minutes of silent meditation.  I'm excited to get in a long meditation today.

I have my call with Darcie (accountability partner from PHB) and grocery shopping to round out the day.  Also, the never-ending rescue calls.

Happy weekend!  Later gators.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Quick Hello.

Family is back - yea!

Mood is better - double yea!!

Home inspection on the new house for the afternoon.  It's nice to be in the house to start picturing where everything goes.  I stopped at Pottery Barn to look at sectionals yesterday.  A couple of possibilities.  

Also, problem solving.  We have an awesome Pottery Barn chair that my sweet Duke has ruined the back pillow from squishing it to death.  $17 to order a replacement.  Good lord - why did I wait so long?  Looking for a SOLUTION to stuff is my favorite thing to do lately.  

Boxing class this morning with the instruction I have a hard time following.  I haven't taken her class in a long time -- maybe I'm better now LOL.  

Random thought -- I've been watching hair tutorials on Instagram (I'm that girl now -- one messy bun and I think I can do hair).  Next frontier is the loose braid.  I have no idea if I can manage it, but it seems possible.  Messy is the look, so that feels somehow easier.  It's going to take some practice (lots and lots and lots).

Short and sweet (the complete opposite of me hahahaha).  Happy Thursday ... later gators. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Mixed Bag

FENCE time!!  I got this picture yesterday - the fence has begun.  It's beautiful!  (I know it's a regular old fence, but I totally love it and love the flat backyard.)

Anyway ...

Yesterday was a wonky day emotionally -- even though I woke up in a good mood.  Stuff caught up to me and the happy, inspired, unstoppable feelings went away.  I was left with the blues and a desire to quit everything -- dive into the refrigerator and not come up for air anytime soon.  I did dive a little the night before (and, therefore, got no check mark in the not-buffering book -- my first missing day).

I didn't feel great physically either.  Too much on the go and not enough space -- I tried to fix it a little too late.

Even with the mood, I did all the things I needed to do -- even though I didn't want to.  I meditated.  Listened to podcasts (Oprah / Eckhart Tolle and Rachel Hollis / John Maxwell).  Both were great BTW.  Ate well.  Did my to-do list (which was nicely pared down).  Rested.  Walked dogs outside (my leg is still wonky, but I can do a little walking now).

It didn't feel like it helped.  I accepted it was an "off" day and called it an early night.

This morning feels better.  I'm rested, survived the mood and am set to have a better day (fingers crossed, wood knocked).

On the RISE podcast with John Maxwell, he talked about the fact that consistency compounds.  Not in one day or one week or one month, but it eventually compounds to a major reward.  That's something I've missed when I tried personal growth before.  A day like yesterday would have stopped me in my tracks.  I would've stepped most of the way back before I got up and tried again (usually something different).

Everything worthwhile is uphill -- John Maxwell.

Dreams are free; the journey isn't.  One step into a dream and you start to work; motion causes friction. -- John Maxwell.

It was a timely message yesterday.  RISE podcast episode #82.  Worth listening.

Today is quieter day.  Workout on the elliptical and breakfast with a friend.  Afternoon is nothing but me, dogs and some rescue calls.  Family arrives home and I've missed them this time (I don't often which sounds horrible, but I like time to myself LOL).  Missing is different than loving ... saying for the record hahaha!!

The strange book (Ask and It Is Given) is strange, but reading it leaves me with a feel-good feeling so why not.  And I love the paper and the font -- well made book and that matters to me for some reason.

I'll give the fun fiction book another go soon.  Maybe the character list had no reason.  If it is complicated but good, I'll save it for when I have a big chunk of time to get started.  Hair appointment, travel, etc.  Bedtime isn't for the start of an epic book.  I'm craving a good, easy, fun, silly fiction story.

I'll leave with a John Maxwell quote that seems fitting for today.  Later gators.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Maybe I Could Design a House??

I met with the home designer and the building team yesterday -- so much fun!  Of course, finishing 2 rooms does not a house make (so they say LOL) but it was smooth and easy.  Here's the SEA of NEUTRALS.  Even though it may look like I didn't pick anything - there were about 10 things I need to choose -- from grout color to granite edge.

I love the house and neighborhood and area more every time I visit.  Next visit is Thursday for the home inspection.  Hubby is planning to join me -- that will be welcomed company.

I dead-to-rights tired (is that the expression?).  Between dogs, house and rescue work, I didn't have a moment yesterday.  Well, I had moments, but I used them to de-clutter.  Desk in the kitchen is de-cluttered and looking good.

Today, I'm backing up and giving myself some space.  I need downtime to balance the "uptime."


Here's the scoop on what I'm reading ... it's a doozer ... hang onto your hats.

(BTW, I loaded the FUN read and went to start it a couple of night ago.  It starts with 4 pages of character outline -- that's never a good sign of an EASY read.  I tabled that one for now.)

Let me tell you the background of how I came upon the strangest book.  My coach, Holly, recommended this on her Instagram as one of the most influential spiritual books she's ever read.  I bought it at that point and added it to my reading stack.

Coffee date with my friend this week and she asks if I've ever read Abraham and Hicks.  Nope - never heard of them (so I thought).

That night, I pulled the book Holly recommended because the "fun" book seemed too complicated.  Ask and It Is Given -- Esther and Jerry Hicks.  Still not making the connection.  I skipped the forward because I was tired and just wanted to see chapter one.  I read it and thought WHAT-IN-THE-WORLD?!?!?  So read the forward - about Abraham.

It's strange beyond words.  Abraham is her spirit guide and speaks through her (her husband is along for the ride too).  Like a possession kind of thing.

The next morning, I needed a new podcast so I randomly picked a Brooke Castillo -- I choose a number and listen to it (I've done this plenty of times).  The episode was on Abraham and Hicks.  Brooke's thoughts are that it's weird and crazy, but the message is solid and beautiful.  As someone said to her -- why the hell does Esther Hicks need to say it comes from some alien?!?

I'll read it with that outlook and a whole ton of CURIOSITY.  And I'll be reading it in the privacy of my house ONLY.  It's staying home for my hair appointment today LOL.  Funny how all of a sudden, it's on my radar from 3 people.  Guess I need to read it.

Little Aspen is up early and barking to be let out - best get to her.  Later gators.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Clean-Up Ain't No Joke!

I thought I left plenty of time to clean out my closet (the entire bedroom really - including bathroom).  I thought I overestimated and would have "extra" time to start another project.


It took SO LONG!  I can't believe the bags to the GoodWill and the bags for the trash today.  I dropped donations yesterday and trash pick-up is today.  Clutter be gone - I command it LOL!

It was back breaking.  The kind of back breaking that made me need to lay flat on the floor to stretch my back a minute.  It was WORK, but FUN!  It feels so good.  I can't wait to do EVERYTHING!  Everything will have to wait for the scheduled time because this week is full.  (I'm sure I can manage a drawer or cabinet here and there this week -- I have the bug.)

Coffee with my girlfriend was as good as I thought it would be -- great conversation.  We talk non-stop about INTERESTING things.  Not the weather.  Not the kids.  Not surface stuff.  Right to the good stuff from minute one.  Love it!

I only watched the 1st half of the Super Bowl.  I didn't even bother with the half-time show.  I know I can see highlights today.  I brought Duke and he was nervous and barking at every sound -- we overstayed our welcome!!

** TMI ALERT **  I'm still having stomach issues.  At random times during the day (usually about 3), my stomach makes that ut-oh sound and I have to hit the bathroom.  No cramps.  No super urgency.  No bloat.  No gas.  Normal appetite.  Just the runs.  What's up with this?  My diet is almost exactly the same this week (since I've been lazy about cooking).  Is it hidden nerves??  I've had nerves and hidden nerves and this isn't a usual side-effect.  Doesn't happen in direct conjunction with eating.  I have no idea, but it's annoying. I've added courtesy spray to my purse, just in case I'm not near my "safe" potty LOL.  I might need to take a probiotic if it doesn't improve.  ** TMI OVER **

I came home last night and needed to unwind a bit before going to sleep.  I picked up Happier at Home one more time and this morning it's in the GoodWill pile.  Not for me.  Letting go of stuff.  Hopefully, someone else can enjoy it.

Exciting morning - meeting with design in the morning and the builder in the afternoon to do all the basement stuff.  I'm going with a good attitude which is an upgrade from how I'd normally be on this day (worried - will I like what I chose, will they do what I want).

Monday - new podcast from Oprah and Eckhart Tolle.  Yeah.  I've listened to my selected podcasts and I need to add to the library for my week.

Have a great day - later gators.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl!!  I'm watching with my future daughter-in-law (I love saying that) at her apartment.  I'll stay until half-time so I can watch and judge critique the show.  We're getting take-out from a local Italian restaurant.  She's a Patriots fan and I'm a not-a-football fan.  I'm the cliche watch-it-for-the-extras person (National Anthem, commercials, half-time).  I'm glad to cheer on her team.

Today is a full and fun day.

I'm starting the CLOSET purge.  Oh, I'm excited!  I re-read Gretchen Rubin's concepts of CLUTTER from The Happiness Project.  She has a great perspective on types of clutter and how to evaluate it.  I bought the only organizational tool I need -- box of large trash bags.  The sort will be trash and Goodwill using her evaluation tools.  I'm tabling the Kondo method for now.

On a side note about Gretchen Rubin -- I tried her Happier at Home book again and I'm not digging it -- again.  I'll shelve it and come back to it another time.  If I'm not inspired to read it after this year of her program ... to Goodwill it goes.

My other "fun" is coffee with a good friend -- the awesome conversation friend.  I'm totally in the mood today.

I finished A New Earth and it's amazing.  I'd go as far as saying it's the best spiritual teaching I've ever had.  Byron Katie is also one of my favorites and reading her book was life changing too (when I finally understood it!).  Eckhart covers acceptance as well.  BK devotes her entire teaching to it, so much more detail and explanation.  It helped me understand Eckhart's teachings more clearly.  Both books go well together.

Eckhart answered the big question I have after reading a spiritual book.  If joy and peace and everything comes from your own self -- stillness, space, etc., what's the point of the external things?  Can I ever enjoy a TV show, a pizza, a career accomplishment, a good hair day?  He answers it beautiful in the last 2 chapters of the book.  So beautifully, I'm going to re-read it this week.  I won't try to explain it because I can't do it justice.  Head to the source book on this one.  The internal and external can integrate and aren't mutually exclusive.  Thank the lord -- the joy of pizza is alive and well, even if I become "awakened."

(Can you tell I have pizza on my mind today??)

I slept much better last night (thanks, Benadryl).  I woke up extra early, but no harm since I slept without my 3 hour interruption of THINKING.

My family made it to the ski resort, but not without DRAMA.  My youngest passed out on the first flight.  He has vertigo on the regular and is getting over an ear infection.  That combined with a late night (out with friends the night before), up at 4:30 am, lots of coffee and a couple of "breakfast" cocktails at the airport -- no wonder.  Paramedics had to board the plane.  He feels fine now.  I'm worry about him.  He needs to see an ENT doc about the vertigo.  They made the "is there a medical professional on board" announcement on the flight.  Oh boy.  I imagine lots of "oh crap" comments by other passengers.  No one wants an unscheduled stop (they didn't need to do that BTW).

Boxing was good yesterday, not great though.  It was a substitute for one of the guys (he played professional football, so I'm sure he's doing Super Bowl stuff since it's in Atlanta).  I never quite "got it" and kept messing up.  Still a good workout, but not a good mind exercise.  Maybe I have too much in there right now hahahaha!

Because of my schedule this week, I'm taking a rest day today.  It maps out better for the week.  It's all closet, all morning.  I'm in such a mood to purge THINGS that I need to watch I don't throw out stuff I actually need!  I woke up and my first thought was, "goodie - hitting the closet today."

I'm betting the Patriots win by a lot (I don't think that's a stretch of a prediction).  Have a fun Super Bowl day -- later gators.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Soul Cycle and the Move (I warned ya'll)

I'll start with Soul Cycle.

I've heard of it.  Heard it's somehow extra awesome.  Heard it's expensive.  Heard people are massively instructor loyal.  It's been a tiny bit on my radar, but not often and not lately.

I listened to Rachel Hollis podcast with her friend and Soul Cycle instructor, Chris Chandler (he's emceeing the health and fitness day at RISE).  I was curious about him.  Now I'm intrigued about Soul Cycle.

Apparently, it's like going to church, therapy and a workout all at once.  Probably a huge exaggeration, but it's called SOUL Cycle for a reason -- who knew?  Every instructor has their own vibe, music, etc which is why people get hooked on a particular instructor.  The class descriptions often say what music -- it's that important to the class.  The instructors sort of "teach" or "preach" a life lesson during class and you dance on the bike too.

RH and Chris said you can't understand it until you try it.  Classes are $30 a piece!!!  You can buy a first-timer pass for $20.  There is a studio in Buckhead so I thought, why not?!?!

Here's the extra fun part.  I looked up instructor bios to see what's what.  Remember the Big Loser winner who was on the show with her sister, the opera singer?  I know both of them kept the weight off by becoming fitness instructors.  Guess where?!!?  Oh, yes.  I'm planning to take the opera singer's class (Olivia, I think).

I want to be careful the move doesn't take over my life entirely and I make time to have fun.  I'll probably go by myself because I don't think any of my friends would be interested and this might be a better solo experience.


Here's a quick update on the move:

We met with the realtor for THIS house and have a solid plan.  One that doesn't involve a lot of work on the house before we move out.  Good news.  I have purging, organizing and some small repairs, but no major stuff (paint, carpets, floors) until after we move out.

We visited our NEW house for the afternoon.  Took some measurements, made some furniture plans, forgot some measurements LOL (like the space for the refrigerator).  I'm back on Monday with other furniture ideas and my tape measure.

We have a couple of logistical furniture concerns with pieces we want to keep and use in the house.  I'm figuring it out ... slowly.  My hope is to figure it out enough so that the heavy pieces are on the floor where they should be after the movers leave!

LETTING GO is hard, dang it!!  I will have to let go of some of my favorite things -- including (I could cry), my beloved TiVo.  Who knew letting go of TiVo would be part of my growth journey hahahaha!!

My LISTS sheets are up to maybe 20!  I keep jotting down notes and then consolidating.  It works well for me though.


I've been up since 5 o'clock sending the boys off on their ski trip.  No point in trying to go back to sleep.

I have the boxing 75 minutes FUN class this morning, nail appointment this afternoon and a trip to the grocery store.  I'm still on empty since the boys are out of town and I was suppose to go out for all my meals with my BFF.

Then it's me and the dogs and Netflix and a book.  I'm almost finished with A New Earth and I want to start the fiction read (I already forget the name).

Next week is super full and I need to begin my purging projects this weekend too.

Sleep is pissing me off!  I go to sleep well and about 5 hours later am wide awake THINKING.  I tell myself, think in the morning you crazy fool!  I try meditation.  I try breathing.  I try finishing my thinking (apparently, it never ends).  5 hours isn't enough sleep for me.  I eventually fall back to sleep in time for my alarm.  This needs to stop -- listen to me brain!!  Bullying my brain isn't working either BTW.

Is everyone warming up this weekend - I hope so.  It's been horrible for the northern states.  Have a great day - later gators.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Backyard and Tea

Let's start with our backyard!

I met with the fence installer ... 5', black rails with spearhead top ... fencing the flat part.  I remembered to take some pictures (the fence will run in the pine straw in front of the privacy neighborhood fence).  The house next door is getting landscaped next week.  It's hard to get a perspective is you don't see it all together, but I gave it a shot.

My finger joined in for some of the pictures LOL!


Now for tea.

Remember my bestie bought me Aveda loose leaf tea for Christmas.  I love it.  It's naturally sweet and has a super unique flavor.  I gave it as a gift and the recipient thought it was way too sweet -- doesn't like it at all.  It made me check out the ingredients again.

Licorice root.  Naturally sweet.  Tons of benefits - yeah.  And TONS OF WARNINGS - ut-oh!!  If consumed regularly it can cause high blood pressure, mess with monthly cycle in women, weakness, BRAIN DAMAGE.  What the what?!?!?

This is only one ingredient in the tea, but OMG.

Oh, by the way, it helps GI problems and can help balance sugar in diabetics.  Thank goodness something good.

I ordered 2 more bottles last week because I was drinking it every afternoon.  Now what?!?!.  I'm totally NOT drinking it everyday anymore.  I can't find information on the warnings regarding amounts.  How much is too much?  Hard to say.  It's absolutely present since that's what is giving the tea the sweet taste.

I also feel terrible for gifting it!!  (see below)


Here's my latest mystery ...

Every evening I'm having a strange couple hours of the BLUES.  I (rather suddenly) get sad.  Take the tea -- I gave it with good intentions and it's nothing personal that my friend doesn't like it.  Fine.  Except for a couple hours in the evening, it makes me sad and it keeps upsetting me -- like I want to cry.

It's super strange.  I know the sadness is from nothing "real."  I thought it was stress related to the move, but I don't think so since I can be in the middle of something and SUDDENLY I get all sad -- and I'm thinking and doing nothing different when it starts.

As quickly as it comes, it goes.  Maybe it's the tea LOL.  Wouldn't that be a kicker!!  (You know I already googled it -- doesn't look like it's mood altering.)

Is it from not buffering in the afternoon?  Do I naturally get sad and that's why I buffer?  I don't think so - I've never noticed it before.



Today is a busy day.  Hubby is home from business trip, working from home and getting ready to leave for a ski vacation.  We have lots of house stuff to work on from both houses.

My weekend of lots-of-plans has become a weekend to myself.  That's not a horrible thing (as long as I stay out of the refrigerator).

I'm reading A New Earth still.  I have  3 of 10 chapters left - so interesting.  I think I might start that FUN book this weekend.  My weekend needs some fun stuff added.

Later gators.