Thursday, January 17, 2019

What's next?

Life after PHB.

From the beginning I was concerned the program would finish and I'd take a deep dive into my refrigerator.  (Turns out, I did a lot of refrigerator swimming on the program anyway.)

I'm ready for the NEXT stuff.  Even without the "Jennifer-factor," I'm ready to do something different.  There are times I've thought that I've become a cliche and a personal growth junkie.  The kind of junkie that spends time "learning and growing" but is actually not DOING anything but listening to others.

Like a person who has a goal to start running ... buys running shoes, buys running clothes, researches running routes, reads about injury prevention, researches running groups BUT NEVER ACTUALLY RUNS.

Then I remember I'm also DOING too.  I have to focus on that because I could see myself falling into the former category at times.  I listen to podcasts with net-zero time -- I'm driving, cooking dinner, cleaning, dog walking.  It's a fun adjunct to those times, not an excuse to avoid DOING.

I have some fun and inexpensive monthly accountability "programs" in place.  Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project with a one hour live monthly call ($10/month) and Rachel Hollis' monthly 2 hour coaching ($31/month if you join for the year).  That's worth it to me.  Maybe someday I'll try Brooke Castillo, but not now.

IN RADICALLY DIFFERENT NEWS ... (because I've totally over-talked personal growth) ...

I was a sofa-surfer total couch-slug yesterday.  Why??  I started watching Netflix's YOU.  It's crazy good so far - Gone Girl style of suspense with thought dialogue running constantly.  The dude is nuts, but somehow likable too.  Seems like everyone has SOMETHING that's a bit off.  I have no idea if it ends well (you know that's my hallmark for a good movie, TV show, book), but I'm hooked.

It's funny because Tuesday was a day of ALL THE HEALTHY THINGS.  RH 2 hour live coaching, PHB call, meditation, workout, outside walk, time with my kids (I was unstoppable).  Yesterday was, well, NOT that!!  I'd say it was BALANCE, but it feels like it was an unexpected CRASH.  I thought I'd just check out one episode to see what the fuss was about and suddenly it was 10 o'clock.  Oops.  Netflix for the win.

I chose my next non-fiction book.  Seat of the Soul -- I've read it years and years ago, but never understood it.  It's on my 19 for 2019 list and I was ready for a break from habit/goal books.  I nailed the introduction LOL.  I'm curious if it will make more sense now.

My leg is a mess from the walk with my friend - still.  UGH.  It's a bother that every workout involves going to the gym right now.  Guess I should be grateful that's an option.

Today, I'm heading to the noon boxing class.  A few weeks ago, an instructor subbed and I loved her class.  She subbed on Tuesday, but I had just finished my elliptical workout.  I asked if she taught regularly and it's Thursday at noon.  At first, I thought: no way, too late.  Then, I thought: why not.  I used to go to lifting classes at noon -- how is this different.  Can't hurt to try.

The rest of the day is rescue calls and, let's be honest, a couple more episodes of YOU!!  I'm limiting it to two and can't start until after dinner or the day will be a repeat of yesterday.  Fool me once, Netflix ...

Thursday already - and that means a new podcast from Brooke Castillo.  Awesome - she's my favorite!  Hope it's a good one.  Later gators.

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