The big WE ... all of us ... holidays are OVER. Whether good, bad, fun, boring, awful, beautiful ... it's all FINISHED.
Regular life begins again.
I had to force "regular" life things yesterday, but I did it. Today should be "regular" without forcing. Just one day can start the ball moving back in a good direction.
Decorations are completely down (minus outside lights and a wreath - those stay until mid-January at least). Cleaning crew comes today so my house will smell good and every last holiday crumb will be off the floor.
Regular life things include grocery shopping for DAYS, not just one meal. Big cook-ups and stocking up the freezer again. Some personal maintenance - nails, eyebrows. Some house maintenance - bills, sheets, towels. Going to bed at my "regular" time and getting up early.
This November-December knocked us to our knees -- in lots of good ways, but we are TIRED. So tired, we decided to defer our May trip to Italy. We need to pull back on spending, big travel and over all indulgences. We think Germany in the fall. Hubby has 2 ski trips in February. I have a family ladies' trip in April. That's more than enough. A big trip in May felt overwhelming. We had everything out to book it yesterday and both of us had not an ounce of excitement - it felt like a chore. If it's not a HELL YES, then it's a NO. (I think that's from Jen Hatmaker - but she might be quoting someone else.)
I'll talk about my goals in a few days. Lots to write and I don't have the brain function yet this morning.
I miss my WORKOUTS!! I want to run or box today, but my dang leg is still messed up. Back to an arm and ab workout which is totally unsatisfactory without the balance of some good cardio. I need a cardio push for my mental function too. I notice a difference when it's not there.
Did I mention I decided to do a DRY JANUARY? Yep, still living my cliches. So many of my peeps are doing a January Whole 30 and that's not for me. I want to get back to my normal post W30 eating, but not a strict W30. I need to stop the regular wine though. Dry January for the win. I've never done one outside of a W30. Shouldn't be hard - I'm ready for a break. You're welcome, Liver.
Does today feel like a Monday to everyone too? Wow, I just realized it's Wednesday. Yep, brain function on low.
Off to wake-up and get my bills sorted. Sounds like a drag, but it's perfect for today - nothing but REGULAR life on the books. Later gators.
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