Monday, January 28, 2019

BIG Stuff Happening (Pictures)

I thought crossing off my first 19 for 2019 was big.  (Finished Seat of the Soul)

This is bigger.  This MIGHT cross off one of my 10 DREAMS from the Rachel Hollis list.

"I live in my DREAM house."

We spent Sunday looking at houses and found a house we LOVE.  We love everything about it except the timing.  We're going for it and seeing if we can make it work.  The money is fine -- it's the logistics of getting our house sale-ready while simultaneously finishing the unfinished parts of the new construction house.  Not sure if it can be done in a timing that makes sense, but we are checking it out.

What do all the gurus of personal growth say ... a big enough goal should both excite you and terrify you.  Yep, it's doing both.

The excitement for obvious reasons.  The terrifying because we've never moved unless we HAD to -- never just because we wanted to move.  We always did the best we could with the circumstances and relocation.  The decision was ours, but we didn't really have to own ALL of it.  This time we own the whole damn thing.  If it's awesome -- whew.  If we regret it -- crap.

Eyes will be on us and some will find our decision WRONG or think we made a mistake.  Judgements will be passed -- it's a given.  I need to stand out of my ego and OWN the decision proudly.  That's hard since I don't know if we are making a misstep.

Will we like the neighbors?
Will we fit in?
Is it too far out in the countryside?
Will we like the new area enough to justify a move?
Is the neighborhood fun?

We THINK we know the answers, but it's an unknown until it actually happens.  Terrifying for a girl who loves CERTAINTY.

P.S.  One of my other RH DREAMS is, "I live a life of abundance and variety."  This fits that goal too.  Maybe I should've made a safer list.

I don't know what to wish for more ... it's possible or impossible.  I'll have "feelings" about both scenarios.  Scared if it's a go -- disappointed if it's a no (I had to go for the rhyme!!).

Fair warning -- if we go ahead with this, it's the Bob Villa channel here for 2019 LOL.

This is a good test for all my "learning."
   Accept what IS; love what IS.
   Worrying serves no purpose as it changes nothing.
   Trust my instincts.
   Decisions made out of acceptance flow more freely.
   The Universe works for me, not against me.

I'm visiting the neighborhood (and house) again today to see it on a weekday.  Do you want to see a few pictures?


Before the visit, heading for a workout and meditation.  Guess what today's meditation theme is!?!?  Big week ahead.  I need some good vibes.  Later gators.

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