I'm so confused still - it feels like another day. I don't know what day, but not Friday. Also, we might need to build The Ark. I enjoy a rainy day, but this rain MUST be getting ready to flood us somewhere, somehow. And don't get me started on little dogs who don't poop outside when it's pouring - oh joys.
Okay, enough ranting.
I have a new podcast to chat about. Homecoming. It's also a Netflix series (developed from the successful podcast). It's FICTION! I didn't know podcasts could be fiction. (Suddenly having deja vu that I already talked about this?!?!? Did I??) Anyway, they're short, suspenseful and not for me to listen to in the car. I got totally too absorbed and felt like I magically arrived at the store. That's not good. I've only listened to one so far, but it's good - like a good government suspense novel good. I had the Netflix series on my short list, but Gretchen Rubin and her sister recommended the podcast so podcast for the win.
Speaking of GR, I bought her book, Happier at Home. I figured I've read everything else, why not this one. So far, I'm struggling to get into it. Strange. I think some has to do with the page feel and the typeface - I don't like either. (I buy self-help books as a book usually, not kindle.) Hopefully, once I get reading, the material will take over and I won't notice the "feel." I'm waiting for her year class to start too.
I think I need to call my Apple ladies for my computer again. Some applications say I need to update my browser (PHB and GR sites - and class is starting soon) and I'm having quirks on my computer again. Dang. It was easy last time, but took up all afternoon. I need my computer today for rescue work. Boo hoo to me.
I'm slowly coming around to being back to "normal" but I'm still having a disappointing evening eating routine. That's my last hurrah -- I'm hitting that goal today. My energy is better, not great (hence the I-don't-want-to-call-the-Apple-hotline-because-I-feel-lazy complaint). Got to do better to feel better.
I boxed yesterday and it felt fantastic. It was my favorite instructor and all boxing. I didn't have to modify much for my leg. Today is kickboxing and the instructor who I secretly blame for my leg injury (3000 right leg roundhouse kicks later) - so no boxing today. I don't think my leg is okay for running yet. My arms and abs are tired from boxing. What's left?? I don't know. I might try a treadmill walk and see how that feels. I don't want to set my leg back for a peewee walk though.
Ending a post is sometimes as hard as coming up with a title. It feels so harsh to end without a good-bye, hence the "later gator." My ramblings came to a screeching halt just now and so this post needs to end. I don't even have a fun picture - sorry. So here's the end ... later gators.
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