We had our second to last PHB call last night and it was good. I'm going to miss the connection with these ladies. 2 are continuing on and Darcie and I are leaving the program. I'm sure I'll do a wrap up post after the big good-bye. Warts and joys.
I did better with my eating yesterday. Better, not great. I had some crackers to "round-out" dinner and my joints are still in a gluten-hates-me moment. Somehow, I thought it was a good idea. P.S. I ate the crackers standing at the counter. Good lord. P.P.S. They're gone now.
That said, I'm feeling some strong motivation today. Friday, we have letters we wrote to ourselves in the first half of the program emailing to us (Future Me). While I don't remember the specifics of the letter (now I need memory coaching LOL), I know it DOESN'T say struggling to get back on track, feeling low energy, breaking daily promises. Tuesday is a focus day - be back to myself and read the letter proudly!!
And, of course, the documentary tonight should be a big shot-in-the-arm MOTIVATION too. I need all I can get.
I have a Groundhog Day repeat today. Boxing with the same instructor and lunch at the same place (with a different friend). Boxing because tomorrow is the instructor I blame for my injury (he does so many right-legged kicks even in the boxing classes) and I'd have to go to the early class because I have a dentist appointment. Lunch was suggested by my friend and I want to go somewhere different, but she was excited for this place (I love it too, so no big deal).
Here's a quote to end today. It's not specifically relevant in this exact moment, but it's struck a chord when I read it.
Movie review coming tomorrow! Later gators.
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